MY CHILD IT’S TOO LATE FOR.. | Gods message today | God blessings message | God’s message now

my beloved come close and hear my voice once more I know at times you feel alone

weary from life’s burdens but I have never left your side

since the dawn of creation my love has watched over you when darkness hovers and storms rage I remain your shelter

and everpresent help today I bid you lift your head no longer bowed by grief or fear my healing

light now fills each chamber of your heart restoring long broken places the bitterness and pain slowly

melt away as you receive my perfect Grace you stand at a crossing my child

behind you lies struggle and heartache in front hope shimmers bright as Sunrise do not look back the past with

its regrets cannot bind you anymore you are free free to choose life love

joy take my outstretched hand let me guide your faltering steps I know

the way ahead seems uncertain but I go before you preparing your path trust in

me as we walk together into the future I have prepared along the journey Temptations

will arise seeking to lure you from the course foes whisper lies assailing your

mind with doubt and fear resist them my beloved come to me and find shelter

beneath my wings when they attack I alone wield power to silence those

voices my truth will drown out their Relentless accusations you are safe with me at

times weariness may slow your feet The Climb seems endless each step a

labor it is then I lift you up to soar as Eagles carried by my breath I renew

your strength when fatigued and uphold you should you stumble take heart

our destination draws nearer though clouds shroud the peak together we will

scale the heights no IE has yet perceived my glory awaits to envelop all

who complete the ascent you shall finish this race and claim the Victor’s Crown prepared for

you before time’s first sunrise on lonely nights when dreams haunt and sleep evades whisper my name I

will come swiftly flooding your room with peace that pass passes understanding not even Darkest Night can

hide you from my watchful gaze as a Sheltering Wing I spread my

love over you as Slumber softly comes and when pale morning glows we

will meet again my mercies ever await you fresh with each new day come to me

first before all else and drink deeply from The Well of life I will fill your

innermost being with joy no one can steal away

our love will hold you safe through whatever storms may rage without yes trials will assail you woes

afflict but I remain Sovereign over all no fiend can rest you from my hand

unconsented what foe could overpower me have I not conquered death

itself the Limitless storehouses of heaven await my command should rescue or provision be required none can

circumvent my will therefore lift your head unbowed by outside thread The Light

Within You is greater than any darkness my kingdom resides securely in your

deepest parts no assault can diminish its unconquerable might no assault from

without or from within understand beloved one the true

battle rages inwardly far more than what is seen your real foes are not flesh and

blood your enemies are not those hurtful words that pierced your heart nor

situations beyond your control the true conflict lies between aligning your will with mine or

following selfish desire all other skirmishes pale beside this Central one when you stumble or

Drift from the path flee swiftly back to me I wait with outstretched arms not to

shame or condemn but to forgive heal and restore you to our journey again

I patiently help you rise as often as you fall my Mercy has no limit do not

listen when the deceiver Whispers you have gone too far for love to find

you his lies dishonor the sacrifice I made to reclaim you no pit is so deep my

power cannot reach you call to me from where you are and I will

come have I not set a bruised Reed I will not break

the smallest spark of longing for me fans into a flame drawing me quickly

down that longing shows my work alive within you our relationship is not

fragile but stronger than adamant Stone my Covenant with you stands

sure I swore by my own self there is nothing you could do to Sunder what I

have established between us sin’s bitter fruit no longer holds sway its poison

loses all effect in the Brilliance of my forgiveness therefore Walk Tall beloved

one do not cower in shames Shadow the accuser’s unanimous voice is

silenced by Redeeming Grace we have been through too much together for you to doubt my loyalty now

our bond was sealed long ago in sorrow and blood I will never leave your

side yet understand understand this also though adversaries are subdued the

fundamental battle remains submission of your heart to mine here my power stops choice and

surrender must be yours I stand at the portal knocking but cannot enter

Uninvited you must open willingly to welcome my presence in once received I begin my

transformative work by degrees carefully tenderly I heal bruised areas too

painful for Mortal touch I bathe contracted limbs in light and warmth slowly releasing their

grip knots of resentment bitterness and hurt gently unwind loosening their

hold layer by layer my love permeates each Niche and crevice leaving no dark

pocket untouched gradually walls of self- protection built long ago yield to bold

trust again where distrust lurked now abides childlike

abandoned mindful dependence replaces prideful Independence as I fill your innermost

chamber true Liberty displaces isolation auster confines by my indwelling spirit I

enlarge your capacity step by step to contain more of my fullness we are

merging becoming one all Heaven awaits to receive you eternity is not long

enough to express my affection or exhaust the treasures I yearn to Lavish on you even now Untold Bounty awaits those

who complete life’s testing and claim enduring Victory faithful one do not

despair if loved ones seem indifferent to our fellowship the realm of choice cannot be breached for now shine Faith’s

steady beam across the darkness live each moment as Testament to my Abundant Life within you the beauty scene May

stir longing in their souls yet even if they persist in Wayward paths trust me

still none remain beyond my reach forever I am patient and tireless my

grace chased you long years did it not yet here we walk together now take

courage in this hope beloved though Heaven’s glories exceed imagining Keep

Your Eyes Upon me alone I am both means and end the journey and

destination and anchored in my love you can weather life’s storms rooted in me

you bear fruit that remains abide in me always and I in you our fellowship is

meant for now not just eternity know that I go with you through this day and all days Hereafter my hand upholds and

keeps you we shall never part now rise up loved one be renewed in spirit and

purpose this world needs your light my beloved child I call to you as as a

nurturing father wishing to envelop my precious one in reassurance despite the burdens you

carry the Unseen weights pressing down lift your eyes to me allow my strength

to renew your weary Spirit my wisdom to order your anxious

thoughts Lay Your Head Upon my shoulder and find rest you journey through life

beset by trials not meant to shatter but refine I craft blessings from your

suffering kindling growth even as you walk through fire the darkest night still yields to

morning’s Dawn and I remain constant by your side my purposes though often

shrouded in mystery ReSound with redemption’s Melody I weep with you in anguish

Rejoice with you in Victory my companioning presence never falters

intimately acquainted with your pain I long to bind up inner wounds with

gentleness I understand and the wells Springs of your tears for I too have wept cast aside then any thought that I

hover far above indifferent to the complexities entangling you I am not

some distant wrathful Monarch inflicting hardship but a loving father grieved at

his child’s distress my desire is to Wade with you through turbulent Waters never

abandoning but Faithfully keeping watch until at last you stand on shores of safety

this journey of trust requires surrendering expectations for how I ought to operate releasing demands for

me to act according to your wisdom such humble submission opens your eyes to Glimpse deeper realities at work

without the lens of humility perceiving my activity proves impossible mysterious

inner workings lie beyond your sight but as you yield control affirming my

supreme authority over all Earthly matters then Clarity will come and questions find

answers under ging this walk of Faith this willingness to cling to me amid

unseen workings of Providence my character remains steady as an anchor for the soul I am eternally the

same my faithfulness never falters my promises never fail storms may Toss The

Fragile craft of your life yet my grip is firm you will not slip through these

Almighty hands listen for my voice in The Quiet spaces of waiting and you will discover

strength Rising within your spirit Power infuses those who abide in

my presence as you commune with me I refashion you into a vessel emptied of

self-interest filled instead with tokens of my love like a lamp lit from within you

will shine for others to see me I know the tendency of your heart is to grasp

for control control rather than rest in my capable hands you shuttle between

progress and panic Vision clouded by performance but my yoke bids you walk a

different Road one of intentionality rather than intensity here faith is measured not by

busyness but trust productivity giving way to presence this is the way of

wisdom Journey then with lifted gaze acknowledging me in all your ways

include me in every decision invite me into every difficulty such Fellowship

keeps your footsteps sure yet seasons will come when Nostalgia clouds the eyes and you Pine for long lost

blessings once treasured bonds now broken life’s unfairness leads you to

question my goodness but even golden yesterdays held hints of Decay and not

every change signals loss consider the farmer pruning vines before

Spring’s Awakening though branches litter the ground new clusters soon

emerge what first appears destruction becomes preparation for abundance some

pruning you too must endure so that your soul may flourish a new cling not then

to former Comforts longing for the past’s familiarity I make all things Beautiful

In Due Time sorrow in endures but a moment while Joy comes in the morning

trust my working in all things as the master Craftsman chips away at marble to

reveal Exquisite image so I chisel character and shape your Kingdom Purpose

the Stepping Stones I provide lead not to Barren Crags but verdant pastures in

my hands difficulties become instruments of transformation yes questions will assail

as you survey the fractured landscape of this world anxieties arise viewing such

Brokenness where can hope be found amid ashes and ruin but beloved lift your

eyes from the wreckage gaze fully into the face of your Redeemer whose restoring work lies behind smoke and

Rubble with the eye of Faith you will recognize Redemption rumbling through

ravaged places as I reclaim my wandering children you will Glimpse Resurrection

blooming in soil once deemed unfit for planting Wasteland lands revive into Gardens under my care surely my

sovereignty will stand as I establish my reign throughout all nations so lift

your head dear one the storm soon passes while my kingdom remains anchor deep

your soul in this unshakable truth allow such Revelation to reignite passion and

dispel the chill of creeping doubts then will courage rise to displace dread for

where once you saw only haunting Shadows now ra radiant light reveals my mighty

hand moving amid the chaos to establish my designs yes beloved in destroyed dreams

I raise new life out of limping years I bring wholeness defeat surrenders to

Triumph through my grace I make all things new transforming Winter’s

barrenness into Spring’s blossoms the current state is not the final frame of the story I am telling

keep walking with me to discover the richness I am preparing consider how I take threadbear existence and reweave

Splendor shot through with hope examine history annals recording my

interventions in Desperate days on behalf of my people recall former stumblings I

steadied and provision poured forth in Wilderness leanings such remembrances rekindle

confidence in my sufficiency for This Moment’s needs I remain God all powerful

Covenant keep deep ER through every age I neither slumber nor abandon my own

your journey is accompanied by this enduring promise my competency will complete the work begun in you I fully

intend to perfect my will and solidify my truths within the framework of your days these words serve as a Lifeline

when battered by Breakers of fear and uncertainty grasp them as one flailing in the torrent lays hold of stable

Branch until the flooding passes I am ever your Refuge Shelter From the Raging

storms under my wing you discover peace no I embrace you with deeper gentleness

still I shoulder your heartaches as my own I alone comprehend the complexities

entangling you and the burdens oppressing your spirit listen for my Whispers through

Thunder’s Den here in your secret place the still Small Voice coaxing you to

release all into my care where will you turn when Shadows threaten to swamp and

overwhelm but into the arms of Abiding Love take refuge in me beloved hide

yourself under Sheltering Wings until Deliverance comes I gather the crushed

in spirit close binding up wounds with Heavenly bomb I hold you safe through

the Raging Squall anchoring firm until storms pass then shall you bear

courageous witness to my power displayed through your deliverance what enemy imagined evil

against you I transform for good working redemption’s Melody into Symphonies of

defiant hope though floods arise to sweep you away I remain Rock and

Redeemer trust in me always fear not the wildness of the Tempest nor assaults of the wicked one

whose scheming cannot contradict my purposes his Fury I will harness and

break the resources of Heaven rally to the aid of my beloved no plot will succeed apart from

my permission bestowed to refine and reveal my glory through you take comfort dear child the distance

seems great between storm heaped promises and fulfillments joy crowned Mountain yet I Traverse this terrain

with you together we scale a sense in the power I Supply never forsaking ever

upholding your frame listen for my voice rumbling assurances through Thunder’s

d as Lightning illuminates the sky allow flash glimpses of my goodness to ignite

stalwart Faith deep within I hold you secure through squalling desolation sheltered near me the storm’s

ferocity cannot smother Hope’s fragile flame kindled in your soul consider the temptation to Crane

towards bygone days for evidence of My Affection combing through memory for

tokens of delight yet my mercies are new with the dawn of each

moment do not dwell then on yesterday’s faithfulness but on that fresh Grace I

prepare for you today cease striving to recreate the wonders of Seasons past

even Miracles fade when removed from living context and power source Divine

moving presides in the now my spirit operates where I determine how I desire

Your Role is receptivity not manipulation ask not how former

visitations may be recaptured but for eyes to recognize my ever unfolding

works here and now be fully receptive to each small goodness that comes your way

like a parched land soaking up the rain after a long drought receive Each Kindness as one

parched for human touch after prolonged loneliness I bring sh hours in due

season to nourish seedlings of faith and wash clean my bride my daily mercies tenderly accost

you lift your face to mine and see a fresh Dawning light yet take care child

not to plunge headlessly ahead but rather let Prudence order your steps many are the pitfalls studying the

road you travel both outward snares and inward weaknesses subtly Twisted from assets into liabilities but do not turn

away though your deficiencies and failures confront you here with mirror’s honesty my grace infolds the clumsy

strengthens the weak my delight is not dimmed by what you lack but rather takes joy in your Godly growth the incremental

progress of my life maturing within you fiery trials need not spell defeat but

refinement purifying passions alloy until only golden Love Remains we walk together through this

Crucible I lending courage you enduring in trust until circumstances yield to my

fire tested ways our communion deepens over time’s passage as together we weather storms

and celebrate mercies that follow approach frontiers of Faith with expectancy adventuring together into

Uncharted Realms of Wonder I ordain times when familiar Comforts give way to providential

detours designed to dislodge embedded attitudes and expose stuck mindset

though for a season I confound the comfortable and comfort the confounded my commitment never falters to lead

forth my beloved into spacious places of growth and depth you recoil at losses

endured and trials unwelcomed struggling to trace my goodness through tear drenched

days but Brokenness a heavy yoke in that moment becomes privileges pathway later

as you Minister hope learned in anguish to fellow sufferers the lonely vigils tracing grief’s Jagged

course change into treasure binding up another’s wound your Affliction becomes their balm your test their testimony to

my sustaining Grace nothing is ever wasted under Heaven’s economy as I

redeem your pain even darkest Sorrows shine bright with meaning and

purpose consider the yielding sapling bending low in the face of Mighty Gales

then Rising again When Storms pass battered perhaps but still rooted

drawing life from hidden sources Beyond surface perception you too are anchored in me no

Tempest can uproot my beloved from this secure Mooring in everlasting love when

Fierce winds a sail and you sway under the load resist the temptation to doubt

my constant care and cry how long in such moments build again the

altar of faith in your soul Soul laying Stone by Stone sweet remembrances of Seasons when my peace guarded

you and recall always there are mysteries of mind and heart unlockable

to you in this season eternity’s Grandeur unveils fully only in my presence for now you must

live with sacred incompleteness wayfaring between promise and fulfillment times of clarity

yielding again to foggy Horizons yet my voice peels through a obscurity summoning you on March on

beloved in the now while always eyeing that fixed Point ahead where swirling chaos resolves into piercing light and

you know deeply as you are fully known pause here with me a moment suspended between memories fading glow

and anxiously anticipated good not yet birthed the Stillness breeds tenacity

and spiritual Vigor surging like sap in the vine during winter dorcy cease your

striving to sees my promises through sweat and strain as though my character alone cannot accomplish my

will doesn’t such frenzy betray lingering unbelief in my trustworthiness concerns for basic

provision are understandable when lacking yet exhausting when obsessed over why forfeit peace I offer in the

present while attempting to secure a future I govern refuse then the adversary’s ploy to hijack Destiny’s

quiet by kindling wildfire of anxiety whose only fuel is

faithlessness hold fast instead to Holy contentment learned in seasons of Plenty

and poverty alike such Godly posture Shields against poison tipped arrows seeking lodgment in

receptive soil maintain vigilance yes but refuse reactionary measures only

respond with wisdom and strategic intercession mine is the outcome child

rest in this whatever the offense you remain the apple of my eye the one my soul

cherishes my capacity to forgive surpasses your ability to receive my

yearning to heal and restore your marred soul fiercer than any desperate craving

torturing your thoughts return Then Wayward one and discover again the welcoming arms ever

open to unfold you my banquet awaits Tethered to this security

pendulum between mercy and might the landscape of your life transforms from Wasteland to Garden impenetrable fog

gives way to dappled Sunshine beckoning you onward relief replaces dreads icy

clutches and celebration erupts where once only durges echoed

mournfully The Battle Turns with the crack of my mighty arm routing fearsome

foes then shall your mouth anchor in astonished praise at the Marvels I work on your behalf

then shall childlike Faith solidify into Granite strong conviction every cell within you

resonates pure and true we who were once divided stand with

faces set as Flint knit Heart to Heart by Covenant bonds fiercer than

death consider my extravagant caring as a mighty tree affording generous shade

to nourish tender choots below recall those Seasons when harvest’s Bounty overflow Lo your

storehouses promptings of my spirit directing you into Ventures fruitful Beyond

expectation and remember too the fallow times of lack and leanness equally

ordained both States yield insight to sustain during latter days of fulfillment or famine

respectively this journey of contrasts fine tune’s Vision to discern my hand

dispensing necessary correction or Comfort suited for the moment along the way companions I assign to enrich your

life Soul friendships mature under Heaven’s nurture purpose to reveal more

facets of my nature displayed through unique temperaments and passions glimpsing my image fully requires shared

wisdom called from life’s classroom for though seasons of isolation and loss come tearing away

beloved supports in painful abruptness yet I remain my grip secures when

Earthly Moorings fail and my Healing Touch binds up the wounds of Separation as I whisper gentle

reminders that I assign the lonely places to while companions stir your heart with

mert filling your days with love and laughter I etch my lessons profoundly on

your soul in quieter moments apart both spheres of activity nurture and mature

my child my beloved child the path of life is not meant to be easy yet with faith in me no obstacle

is insurmountable I understand the storms that batter your spirit the winds that

threaten to capsize your hopes but you must remember it is in the eye of the storm

that peace resides calm the turbulence within Center yourself in Stillness

connect to that inner Wellspring of Tranquility I have placed in your soul

from this space of quietude solutions will emerge and strength shall return

trust in my capability to transform trials into triumphs wounds into

wisdom have I not turned Ashes to Beauty before then know I can and will do so

again my power has not diminished with the passage of time some may Proclaim my

Radiance has faded that this world has been forsaken yet the truth remains I am ever

present among you and within you the Divine spark that illuminates your essence

I am the voice that Whispers In The Silence waiting for you to quiet your mind that you may hear me I am the

intelligence Beyond intellect the love beyond measure seek me first and you shall find yourself and so much

more I understand the urge to escape when turmoil encircles you when people

and situations drain your reserves but do not mistake a change in scenery for a

change in Consciousness true peace true freedom can only be accessed from within in the

sanctity of your soul where I reside drink from this Wellspring and you shall never thirst again know me as

your constant companion your shelter in life’s storms the Transformations you desire in

your outer world begin within in the realm of thought belief and

Imagination limit not the power of your mind to conceive of wondrous outcomes and realities though unseen to the human

eye creation yields to focused intent make your mind a workshop of positive

potentials and watch my hands craft them into being in times when people disappoint

you situations dishearten you have compassion for the blindness that breathe such

circumstances but do not remain Meed in them you were created for more to soar

to create to experience life abundantly do not settle for less when my banquet

awaits overflowing with blessings seat yourself here with me

that I may nourish you imparting the love wisdom and strength your soul

craves dear heart I understand how heavy sadness can weigh when it curtains

life’s stage hiding brighter Vistas in times when light eludes You

Come Away with me to Stillness and Solitude allow your heart its full

expression its tears its language and when you are ready together we will

transmute the pain into passion misery into Ministry for I can and will use all

experiences bitter and sweet to further my purposes bringing glory from the

unlikeliest of places place your trust in this Redemption I understand how easy it is

to lose your grasp on hope when blows rain down and forward motion

falters when strength waines let us join forces I within you we

intertwined allow me to infuse you with resilient courage for the journey

ahead the path has not ended because a boulder blocks the way indeed the

trajectory continues only the approach must change adapt and Advance with me as

an ally Advocate and guide does anxiety arise as Pros effects dim be still stop

feeding what you fear in the quiet we will unravel each Tangled strand that

binds you in the breath find peace again I am nearer than your next inhale ready

to receive each burden you no longer desire to bear I will help reorder your

mind redirect your thoughts and Revitalize your attitude my precious one I hope you

understand the transformation most needed is often an internal One external

changes hold less weight when the inner landscape still suffers drought nurture first The Garden of your

soul water it with forgiveness tend it with introspection and wise

contemplation pull up distrust by its under roots and plant seeds of faith in its

stead Shore up eroded personal truths with my immutable ones Infuse your heart

with unconditional love that you may view yourself and others through this this gracious lens as you make these

inner adjustments outer Realms will reflect the New Vision forged this work while challenging

promises astonishing metamorphosis lean on me I will uphold

and Empower you what if current suffering is a disguised

Deliverance amid loss and lack declare faith in me to shift each seeming setback into Serendipity hold back AB

reactions though questioning is understandable allow wisdom time to germinate that which appears devastating

today May soon unveil itself as Divine Design hear me now my beloved refuse to

settle for less than my best to shrink into smallness come talk with me daily and

discover life’s richness waiting to unfold around perplexing bends no matter where you find yourself

there I am imminently present lovingly aware and active crafting Redemptive

responses tailored to you transforming scars into stars have I not called you blessed and

highly favored then enter into exponential increase ordained for you

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