I am Your Loving Father | God Says | God Message Toda

my beloved child you bring immense joy

to my heart do not fear for my blessings

are already upon you the time is

approaching when you will overcome the

burdens Weighing on your spirit know

that I have promised to always be by

your side guiding and protecting you

like the sun breaking through after a

storm my light will clear your path and

lead you to Serenity and peace trust in

my Limitless love and strength for they

surpass any challenge you may face I am

constantly showering you with blessings

and strengthening your spirit when you

place your hands upon the sick I will

heal them when you rebuke The Winds of

financial woes and the storms of life

they will

subside cast out quarrels and enmities

from your home speak my word with

reverence and faith

for no Miracle is beyond my reach I

yearn to bless you and deepen your

understanding of my teachings fear not

when external forces threaten your

family as many who isolate themselves

due to sin wander like roaring Lions

seeking to divide and harm innocent

families however you and your household

shall stand firm raise your hands in

prayer praise and faith in my holy name

as I hear your voices raised in faith

your adversaries will Retreat and be

defeated I want you to awaken tomorrow

with a renewed heart this is your moment

to refresh your thoughts dismissing all

negativity and committing a new to

pursuing me no matter the challenges

ahead you will advance despite setbacks

I assure you my child there is always

hope for you and your loved ones

it is true that some may feel

disheartened at times and others may see

their faith

waver yet I am always ready to forgive

them purify their hearts and souls and

Grant them the strength to withstand

Temptation should they stumble

again they will rise with humility and A

Renewed desire to repent and

transform I eagerly await their return

recognize your humanity and the

corruption of the world around you it is

challenging to walk through mud without

soiling your white garments with faults

and guilt but ask yourself who am I to

you from my own declaration I am your

loving father the companion who walks

beside you through every trial in

moments of false failings sins and

forgiveness I stand as your Advocate and


what a privileged position you hold in

the Heavenly realm your Victory is

certain you possess a loyal and sincere

heart an advocate who intercedes for you

and a judge who loves you and overlooks

your shortcomings because you have

sought shelter in the Redeeming Grace

secured for you on that painful cross

now tell me do you accept my

forgiveness do you embrace my bless

blessings with joy will you cease

dwelling on the past no longer should

you mourn for those who wounded you with

their malice for what seemed like love

became an obsession in snaring you with

vile schemes you fell into the snare of

false affection leaving you shattered

but that is all behind you now and there

it must

remain all bitter memories will fade

from your mind tomorrow

when you awaken you will no longer

Ponder those negative thoughts you will

rise and give thanks for your life your

family and the new mercies I bestow upon


daily I am elevating you to a spiritual

realm where troubles vanish the moment

you close your eyes and call my name I

grant you the freedom to fortify

yourself and prepare for the new doors

that are about to open great blessings

await your family and you but I need you

to affirm now that you wholeheartedly

believe and joyfully receive my love and

blessings with all my affection and love

I address you your anxiety will melt

away as you listen to my voice relax and

take a moment to rest to Come Into My

Embrace and hear as I soothe your soul

tell me what you desire for me to do to

restore your peace You Are by my side

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