God Says ➨ THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY | God’s message | God Message Today For You | God Tells

God says this is your last day God’s

message God message today for you God

tells my beloved child in this world

full of noise and Chaos I extend my hand

to you do not pass by hastily for I have

a message crafted just for you I invite

you to linger to listen intently for

within these words lies the key to

unlocking the mysteries of your journey

trust in me as I guide you through the

shadows of of uncertainty and into the

light of Truth so my beloved I implore

you do not turn away embrace the gift

that awaits you after a few minutes of

this message I promise to answer your

deepest questions and provide Solace for

your weary Soul But first you must

listen to this message Faithfully are

you ready my child my beloved child how

I long to embrace you and speak these

words directly to your hearts I know the

journey you walk is not always an easy

one filled with trials and tribulations

that contest your faith but take heart

for I Am With You Always even to the end

of the age I understand the impatience

that can creep into your soul as you

wait upon my perfect timing the world

encourages you to chase after your own

desires to seize what you want when you

want it but I call you to a higher way

the way of trusting in my sovereign plan

even when it does not align with your

own my children growing in patience is

one of the greatest challenges you will

face in this life the enemy will

constantly tempt you to give in your

flesh to demand instant gratification

but I urge you do not give in for the

rewards that come to those who wait upon

the Lord are far greater than anything

you could achieve through your own

striving think of the Patriarchs of old

Abraham Isaac and Jacob did they not all

have to learn the meaning of patience as

they waited for the promises I made to

them Abraham was called by me to leave

his homeland and go to a place I would

show him yet it was not until the end of

his life that he saw the Fulfillment of

my promise that he would become the

father of many nations Isaac waited

decades to receive the son I had

promised and Jacob toiled for years to

earn the right to marry the woman he

loved in each of these cases my children

had to learn to trust in my timing even

when it did not make sense from a human

perspective they had to fight against

their natural impulses and lean wholly

upon me and it is no different for you

today the patience I call you to develop

is not a passive waiting but

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