God: CLING TO ME MY CHILD | God message Today | god message for you | God message | God Support

my child during life’s difficult trials and tests it is now your time to be

blessed you have endured so much learning valuable lessons from every twist and turn on your journey your

courage has Shone brightly as you faced afflictions you never anticipated not as consequences of your

actions but as the enemy’s attempt to shake you like wind rustling through wheat in moments of Despair You released

your seeds moistened by the tears you shed in your pain pain but open your eyes with

faith for the earth trembles a green Chute arises and you

can already see it know this deep in your heart this year a Bountiful Harvest

will be yours the seeds you thought had withered have sprung back to life and

they will return to you transformed into beautiful blessings both great and true

these blessings will enrich your spiritual life and carry no sorrow with them they won’t be burdened with tension and

problems I have placed you precisely where you can flourish but remember I am

your Shepherd and your provision comes when you treat others kindly and trust in me but do not put your complete trust

in any mortal being obey my Commandments leave doubt and pessimism behind and

rise with unwavering Faith with your faith I can work

miracles and wonders on a grand scale it is possible if you believe it is done

when you see it with your faith but remember this isn’t a game of luck or magic I speak of my holy word the one

that always comes to fruition in perfect timing in accordance with my will you desire change success prosperity for

your family compassion wisdom and Truth in their

lives you long for a transformation with all your heart and I want to assure you that I can

transform you I have the power to change hearts and Minds overnight but I always require your

faith you are stepping into a new land one you will soon witness leave behind what’s passed and

reach forward with faith hold on to the blessings I shall place before you the trial is over Your

Time Has Come Today I will work beautiful miracles in your life and your family’s

life you will not be distressed by the door that has just closed speak to me affirm

your thoughts write it down now tell me you believe in receiving

this word of comfort and accept this holy encouragement from above if one door closes it’s no reason for despair

another grander door will open soon bringing something even better there is a spiritual battle in

the celestial realm for your life in faith and many any adversaries oppose your growth attacking you from without

and hurting you from within even if you can’t see them I will place individuals with

Divine knowledge in your path to assist you accept their advice with humility dedicate time to prayer and

much more I will reveal to you you will emerge victorious in this battle all

obstacles will be destroyed it’s true that I can deliver you in an instant but I need you to value your faith

talents and Gifts learn that victories are not achieved alone if you discard my word and

renounce your faith the enemy will tear you apart and leave you in the mud you will go far you will bless many your

family will also grow in wisdom and humility of heart prospering in all aspects but we must walk together give

me your hand you are prepared to ascend to that spiritual level where the future is decided and lives are changed so many

good things and beautiful Works await you this day while you listen the

foundations for your home are being laid upon Solid Rock and future Generations will know me and serve me each will

receive a gift a talent a profession the desire to study and prepare dream beyond

what you see what you imagine and even further than what you can believe today

you and your family are not meant to live in spiritual poverty emotional confusion or struggling from one place

to another burdened by debt no my child accept what I say learn

to dream I will increase your faith and help you even more so that you can confidently receive and manage this

blessing that is about to come I will transform your Affliction into blessing

your sadness into strength and I will remove your pain healing your heart heart with my love my

child type Amen in the comment box I want you to feel this tender Embrace

wherever you are even if you are busy and surrounded by people take a few

seconds and receive this gift by faith it will bring calm to your soul and peace to your mind I give you the power

to control those roaring emotions that stir in your head the news you receive alarms you exhausts you and makes you

feel weak but my child leave me again I am here nothing is happening your life

continues this too shall pass and your future is sealed with a blessing from

above your blessing will not be depleted by any enemy seeking to discourage you I

can turn every opposition into a blessing every lack into abundance and every illness in your

family can be healed I have the power and my eternal desire is for you to receive all the

these wonders I have been promising you I am God not a mere human I do not lie my

purpose Remains the Same as it has been since the beginning of time I have come to save you to give you eternal life to

guide you on the right path I am the way the truth your life I am your solution

and your way out so I ask you with love to hold fast to my promises to not

divert your gaze to the lies of this world it pleases me to see you trust in me to

see you pay no attention to the threats posed by provocators they want to steal your peace fill your mind with anger and

confusion with false ideas and erroneous feelings they want you to make mistakes

in your daily life to be filled with guilt and ultimately to distance yourself from the truth my love and my

presence so now you know their intentions I know you love me me and

won’t allow anyone to take you away from the place where you are today surrounded by affection and supreme love

unparalleled in your life you’ve endured much Solitude a lack of

tenderness but now I embrace you console you with Divine strength and encouragement because I love you deeply

my child you were so frightened I heard your cries for help you begged urgently

for my mighty hand to intervene believing I was angry with you and unwilling to assist I I want you to

understand that you will always need me even when everything is going well even when Prosperity surrounds you you must

never forget this do not lower your guard for the enemy seeks to make you neglectful to destroy your faith to ruin

your plans and wound your soul I will help you in this matter you face

today it moves me to see you sad and distressed and it is not my will for you to live in torment I do not want you to

feel this way so instead of dwelling on the same thoughts over and over in your head stop give me all your

thoughts if defeat crosses your mind don’t believe it it’s impossible you

will not be defeated because you believe in the omnipotent God if discouragement tugs at your heart do not open its doors

or you will make a grave mistake one who believes in my power and awaits my blessing cannot be

disheartened if the will to live slips from your grasp use your faith you

believe and serve a mighty Sovereign God he will ignite the fire of divine love in your heart and fill you with a

wonderful desire to keep fighting hold on to the promises I am giving you grasp on to these words I am

speaking to you your enemies belittle you daily shouting that you do not deserve life but you should no longer

listen to them I want you to live regardless of your situation

very soon you will once again Savor feel and receive my blessing your situation

will improve the matters that trouble you will soon be resolved please dear

one if you’ve listened this far it’s not by chance tell me that you believe in me

that you will keep fighting Despite All Odds and that you will always love me

your future is destined to change for the better I will intervene in your life in a supernatural way with your own eyes you

will soon witness a clear solution to your troubles don’t be one of those who place their trust in negativity or the

opinions of those who choose to dwell forever in spiritual misery if you’re hearing or reading

these words it’s because I’ve granted you the intelligence you’ve grown you’re

ready the door will soon open I am not a false god who exists solely in your imagination

you know me you know who I am do not doubt my word any longer every time you

found yourself in trouble I’ve come to rescue you with My Loving Hands I’ve

embraced you with love I’ve given you life my child type yes if you agree with

me even when your past was a disaster after I rescued you your

present was always better allow this fire in your heart to burn the dream I planted is growing and it will become a

tree that provides shade provision and abundance for you and those you care for

with love hold on to the life I’ve given you fill yourself with even more joy

because there are so many things I will soon do that will change your perspective you will understand better

everything I’ve planned for you that’s why even though you’ve stumbled before

I’ve always been with you I forgave you lifted you up and never left you broken

or or abandoned new days are coming your sorrow will depart and your heart will

be filled with boundless happiness you’ll soon witness the miracle with your own eyes declare your

faith and commitment now and tell me I believe it and as I always say I love

you I have great things in store for you give me your hand step by step you will

find peace and happiness it’s not about how quickly you arrive but about being steadfast and

persistent let your faith remain Serene and strong do not look to the sides

focus on me and keep your gaze forward you will get there it’s not an eternity

away though your mind and body may tell you the days are dragging on and you’re tired of waiting but you’ve grown you

don’t let your emotions dictate your life you know I desire to bless your family and clear the path for them to

face whatever comes without fear or dread enemies will be defeated obstacles

will be overcome I don’t promise an easy life but I assure you that faith and

strength will never be lacking fill yourself with courage knowing that your Victory is

guaranteed receive my sacred promises which bring healing to your body peace

to your mind and strength to your heart I want to break the chains of

discouragement and depression the discouragement weighing heavily on your shoulders making you doubt my words

that deceptive friendship pulling you toward failure will disappear today a powerful Miracle will occur if you

commit to obey me and hold on to my love but do not be like others who prefer to wallow in the mud and accept the lies of

their Destroyer they chase after false promises seek material wealth vain

positions corrupt control and Mortal Fame they think my presence and power

are with those who publicly display everything they do how they spend what they wear and what they

eat what a Sinister lie what a cruel deception they despise my word they

don’t accept me as I am as the one who came into the world as a servant and gave his life on a

cross but you have opened your heart to me and I want to do wonderful things in

you clothe your soul in humility reject the offerings of the Devourer I will

assist you I will give you more peace and wisdom so that you won’t Tire of waiting so that complaints and doubts

won’t taint your lips destroying your faith and happiness tell me now with all

your heart my God I believe in you I trust you and with patience I await my

blessing I promise you that what you’ve asked for will come you’ve always believed in me and you know that all

your prayers in the name of Jesus will be answered I must announce to you New Times

abundant rains Open Heavens blessings overflowing filling every corner of your

life and your home you and your family will overflow with peace and happiness all of this is possible for

those who believe in me who keep my word in their hearts and wait for the blessing without fainting or

retreating I only ask that you be aware that you need to remain steadfast and patient it takes months for a life to

be born a seed must fall into fertile ground be broken and transformed before

it can germinate and grow your blessings are valuable and Powerful it takes time

and effort for everything to align for your good I know you understand and you

won’t lose heart keep your Gaze on the horizon as you walk step by step you

will leave the place where you currently reside do not fear the changes every

everything is for your good my child type – in the comment box I want you

surrounded by people and resources that help you grow if you walk with me no one

can defeat you accuse you or judge you because I will defend you oh dear one if

only you could see with your spiritual eyes the Heavenly armies encamped around you if you could perceive my Divine

Light illuminating your path and how your enemies fall if you could understand how

everything around you is working in your favor like the sky and Earth moving in your favor

soon I will reveal to you in dreams such magnificent things that you will taste a piece of heaven on

Earth I can move the entire universe for your blessing that’s what I do when I see sincere Faith Like

Yours fully devoted loving me with all your heart and soul I admire your courageous faith

that’s why I respond to you every day with a different message but I remain the same each day will bring its own

challenges but my love will cover you and never change before you go about your daily

tasks I like to tell you that I love you but I desire to hear it from your own

lips I want to hear you say my beloved Jesus I love you too and there’s nothing

you ask that my love cannot give you I will restore what belongs to to you your

dignity and the place you deserve I have a better life for you if you give me your heart and accept the

healing and forgiveness my sweet love offers the promises are already written

you carry them in your heart so if you’re going to believe me do it with all the strength of your soul

and mind don’t be like those who talk about my love but don’t truly believe it

they pay more attention to people’s judgments and submit to the punishments and disdain of others

many want to subject you to their selfish way of thinking and claim to love you but seek to steal from you they

impose impossible rules that they themselves do not follow they dress in Robes of righteousness and false

Holiness claiming to be better than you whatever you do you end up being the

villain the guilty one in their eyes I am calling you to complete

freedom to sleep in peace tonight my holy spirit will speak to you he will

heal your soul and mind he will break all the chains you still carry and in the morning when you wake up you will be

free forever your happiness will no longer depend on people’s opinions at last you will be who you truly are my

daughter my son wise and intelligent with a gentle

character perseverance and courageous with a fervent powerful and strong faith

hold on to me in your worst moments when people offend you and your feelings are

hurt when everything around you darkens and you think there’s no reason to go on

remember you are mine and you must aspire to greater things do not settle

for living forever in a corner crying under that roof where you only suffer disrespect but I love you I help you

forgive you restore you and can give you a better future powerful gifts and

talents peace joy and health take your

place stand with dignity you are a princess a prince forever protected by

your Mighty Heavenly Father tell me with your lips I Believe In You beloved father I

have a miracle with your name in my hands that matter that you and I know will be res resolved even your own

family will be surprised many acted around you secretly underestimating you

and openly criticizing you they will kneel asking for forgiveness for hurting

you they didn’t respect you but they lost the opportunity they were seeking when they discarded you I will take you

to a better environment raise you to a higher spiritual level where there are no quarrels or Envy where true love

still exists there they will appreciate the gifts and talents I’ve given you they

will support you in your growth and prosperity don’t fear Prosperity only

Wicked Hearts immediately think of material wealth I’m talking about provision peace happiness health and

family Harmony no debts no Sorrows from

where I’m standing I see your miracle and it’s so Grand and beautiful

that when you see it you will acknow knowledge that all the suffering you went through was worth it my child like

the video now your family will understand that you were not wrong you were right when you told them to trust

the God who loves them so much they will cry with repentance for sinning against me when you prayed for patience and

strength and they laughed at you thinking you were making a mistake losing your mind but when they see my

powerful response to your prayer they will ask you for forgiveness I chose you for something

special to be a true blessing to your family and your nation not to make you

rich and popular or like those who waste their time seeking the approval of others and are willing to do anything

just to receive Applause and praise you are on a different level don’t stoop to eat crumbs as they watch

you look up my Throne is where you belong with the perseverance and Faith

you have you will reach and see how all the promises I’ve made to you come true I will work miracles through through you

but never expect anything in return from people be content with my love knowing

that I am always by your side and with the peace I give you amen through trials and afflictions from

the enemy trying to shake you remain steadfast in faith your tears will give

way to a bountiful spiritual Harvest of great blessings enriching your life I have placed you in a position to

flourish when you trust in me alone as your Shepherd and provider rise with unwavering faith

for with it I can work wonders beyond what you can currently imagine I can transform your desires for

positive change into reality have patience as I have the

power to change hearts and minds but require your faith to do so

you are entering a new blessed season leave the past behind and reach forward holding tightly to the blessings

I will give you this is your time your trials are over as I work miracle Les in

your life and family today do not be distressed by closed doors as greater

ones will open bringing something better there is a spiritual battle over your

faith with adversaries attacking internally and externally but I will send Divine

help so accept their guidance humbly and persist in prayer you will be

victorious with all obstacles destroyed but you must value your faith not

renounce it you will go far blessing many as your family prospers in wisdom and humility

by my side give me your hand to ascend to the level where lives are changed your home’s Foundation is being divinely

laid for future generations to serve me wholeheartedly dream expansively beyond

what you currently see or believe possible you are not meant for spiritual poverty confusion or struggle under the

burden of debt learn to dream bigger as I increase your faith to receive the

overflowing blessings coming your way I will transform your afflictions into blessings your sadness into strength

healing your pain with my love’s tender Embrace no matter where you are receive this gift of calm and peace as I Empower

you over roaring emotions stirred by alarming news believe I am present your

life continues troubles are temporary and your future is blessed have no fear

as I can turn any opposition into blessing lack into abundance and heal every

family illness I am God not falsehood my purpose since the beginning is to save

give eternal life and guide you a right as the way truth and life itself so hold

fast to my promises ignoring this world’s lies that aim to steal your peace fill you with anger and confusion

mistakes guilt and separation from my truth truth and Love’s presence know I love you deeply after

your long seasons of solitude and lack of affection I embrace and encourage you

having heard your desperate cries when you thought I was unwilling to help in anger but understand you will always

need me even in prosperity never lowering your guard as the enemy seeks to make you neglectful

destroy your faith ruin your plans and wound your soul I will help in your current

distressing matter Desiring you to not live in torment but give me your thoughts instead of dwelling on

potential defeat which is impossible for you who believe in the almighty if discouragement tries to grip

your heart do not let it in as one believing in my power and blessing

cannot be disheartened if your will to live slips use your faith as I will ignite Divine

Love’s fire in your heart to keep fighting hold tightly to my promises and words I speak no longer live listen to

enemies belittling your worthiness to live my child type amen if you agree with me I want you alive as you will

soon again experience my blessing with trouble soon resolved if you have listened this far it is not by chance

but because I have made you ready the door to change will open I am no false imaginary God but the one who has truly

rescued you every time with loving Embrace giving life even when your past was disastrous my dream planted within

you grows into a tree of abundant provision allow this fire in your heart to burn brightly uh filled with joy over

the coming transformation in perspective as I have always been with you forgiving

and lifting you up never abandoning you broken new days of boundless happiness

in witnessing this miracle are soon arriving declare your faith and commitment believing in receiving this

comfort and encouragement from above I love you and have great things stored up

so take my hand and walk persistently keeping your Serene faith strong and focused forward without looking

aside you will arrive at the destination despite feeling the wearing length of the journey I desire to bless your

family clearing their path to face anything without fear as enemies and obstacles are

overcome expect a challenging life but one never lacking in faith and strength

have courage knowing Victory is certain receiving my promises of

healing peace and inner fortitude the chains of Doubt discouragement and

depression weighing you down will be broken today by a powerful Miracle when you obey and cling to my love do not

wallow in deception like those chasing false promises of wealth status control

and fame despising my servant sacrifice yet seeking public accolades you have

opened your heart to me allowing me to clothe you in humility I will assist

with wisdom to not Tire while waiting devoid of complaints or faith destroying

doubts recommit wholeheartedly my God I believe trust

you and await my blessing patiently you have always believed knowing your

prayers in Jesus’s name will be answered I announce the new times of Abundant Blessings overflowing and every area of

your life and home have arrived bringing peace and joy for those who keep my word in their patient

unwavering Hearts remain steadfast and patient through the necessary

processes just as a baby takes months to develop or a seed must break down to germinate and grow you’re valuable

powerful blessings take time for all to align properly trust that I understand

and you will not lose heart keeping your gaze fixed on the horizon during this transitional

Journey do not fear these changes as I Sur surround you with helpful people and resources for your

growth when you walk with me none can defeat accuse or judge you for I will

defend you oh how I wish you could perceive the Heavenly armies encamped around you my Illuminating Divine Light

on your path the faltering of your enemies and how all things facilitate

your favor like the moving Cosmos itself soon I will reveal such wonders and

dreams that you will taste Heaven’s peace on Earth I move the universe itself for the blessing coming to your

sincere holy devoted loving Faith each day’s challenges are met with my

unchanging love Desiring to hear your reciprocation before daily tasks my

beloved Jesus I love you too and nothing you ask is beyond my love’s reach I will

restore your dignity and deserve position for I have a better life awaiting your heart’s accept cep of my

sweet Love’s healing and forgiveness the written promises you already carry within believe in me with your whole

soul and mind not like those speaking Empty Words of Love While submitting to others punishing judgments and

disdain many will try subjecting you to their selfish thinking under the guise of Love stealing through impossible

rules they don’t follow and false piy deeming themselves better than you

rendering you the guilty villain no matter what you do but I call you to complete Freedom

tonight sleep peacefully as my Holy Spirit speaks healing over your soul and mind breaking Every Chain you carry so

you awake entirely liberated forever no longer will your happiness depend on human opinions as you finally live as my

true wise intelligent gently persevering son or daughter of powerful unwavering faith my

child like the video now cling to me in your worst moments of offense darkness

and hopelessness remembering you are mine destined for greater things than forever crying disrespected in that

corner I love help forgive restore and offer a better

future of powerful gifts talents uh peace joy and health take your dignified

place as the princess or Prince eternally protected by your Mighty Heavenly Father declare I believe in you

beloved father I have a miracle bearing your name whose resolution we both know

is coming even your family who secretly underestimated and openly criticized you

will be surprised kneeling for forgiveness over their disrespect that cost them the opportunity they sought in

discarding you I will raise you to an environment of True Love Without quarrels or Envy where your god-given

gifts and growth toward Prosperity are fully appreciated and supported do not fear the prosperity I have in store it

is Not Mere material wealth to the wicked but holistic provision of peace

happiness health and relational Harmony without debt or sorrow from my vantage

point I already see your Miracle so Grand and beautiful that you will realize every suffering was worth

enduring once you witness it your family too will realize you were right to trust The God Who Loved them enough to respond

powerfully to your mocked prayers for patience and strength through their perception of your mistakes and

delusion for you have been chosen for the special purpose of being a true blessing to your family and Nation not

for self-serving riches popularity or endless people pleasing at any cost for

accolades you are on a different level so do not stoop to scrouge Mere crumbs

while they watch from below look up to the throne Where You Belong with your perseverance and Faith

you will attain fulfillment of every promise I have made working miracles through you while expecting nothing and

return from people be content in my love alongside the peace I give we will walk

this path together by my side be content in my love alongside the peace I give we

will walk this path together by my side though the way forward may seem long and wearing at times do not lose heart fix

your eyes on the horizon and take one step after another trusting in my unfailing guidance

the future I have prepared for you is one of restoration wholeness and spiritual

abundance the trials you have faced were allowed to refine and strengthen your faith like fire purifies gold what once

brought you sadness will be transformed into Wellsprings of Joy the very opposition and affliction meant to break

you will become the testimonies that bless multitudes for I am able to take what was meant for harm and use it for great

good in your life and for the expansion of my kingdom my child there’s no time to look back

with regret or dwell on past mistakes all that matters is that you lean fully into me today surrendering your will to

mine as you do I will pour out abundant grace to help in your time of need my

spirit will be your constant companion leading you into all truth and equipping you for every good work I have prepared

in advance for you to walk in the armor I provide will make you Unstoppable against the schemes of the enemy no

weapon formed against you will prosper when you take up the shield of faith I will open your eyes to see the Unseen

spiritual realities all around you Legions of angels encamped on every side ministering to you as a heir of

Salvation you have nothing to fear from this world for greater is he who is in you than any force that opposes you so

go forth boldly unshaken in your conviction of my unfailing promises let

praise be ever on your lips lips for I take great Delight in those who hope in my unfailing

love your testimony of faithfulness will be a light dispelling the darkness a beacon calling the lost to find their

way home to me you have been entrusted with this ministry of reconciliation take it up gladly for I have supplied

you with all you need to run this race well my child type – in the comment

box my power and authority are yours to wield through the name that is above every name the name of Jesus at the

mention of this name every knee will bow in heaven and on Earth you are more than

a conqueror through him who loved you align yourself with my eternal purposes and watch How I make streams flow in the

desert Wilderness before you the Abundant Life is yours for the taking a life of Peace Joy fruitfulness and ever

increasing intimacy with your creator I am the vine and you are the branches

apart from me you can do nothing but if you abide in me and let my words abide in you you will bear much fruit fruit

that will last into eternity and bring Glory To my great name so set your gaze firmly on me the author and perfector of

your faith run with endurance the race set before you laying aside every weight

and sin that tries to ens snare and entangle I have gone before you making a

way where there seemed to be no way trust me fully as I lead you into the promised land of blessing and

inheritance that awaits you as my beloved son or daughter let the wind of my spirit fill your sails and Propel you

forward into your destiny I am doing a new thing bigger and greater than you can even imagine

stay awake and alert ready to perceive the Wonders I will reveal for those with

eyes to see and ears to hear there will be no shortage of extraordinary confirmations and manifestations of my

presence and power in your life take heart and be encouraged you are cherished valued and known by your

heavenly father you may experience reproach from those in the world who do not understand the ways of my kingdom

but I will honor you for your unwavering devotion and commitment to walk in faithful obedience no matter the cost

the Eternal weight of Glory being prepared for you far outshines any temporary afflictions you may suffer so

look up my cherished one let your countenance radiate the overflowing joy that is your inheritance in me I have

good plans for you to give you a future and a hope more incredible than your natural mind can comprehend trust me follow me and

witness firsthand the surpassing greatness of my power as I do immeasurably more than you could ever

ask or imagine all for my glory and the furtherance of my Everlasting Kingdom that cannot be shaken so look up my

cherished one let your countenance radiate the overflowing joy that is your inheritance in me I have good plans for

you to give you a future and a hope more incredible than your natural mind can comprehend trust me follow me and

witness firsthand the surpassing greatness of my power as I do immeasurably more than you could ever ask or

imagine all for my glory and the furtherance of my Everlasting Kingdom that cannot be shaken though the path

has been difficult and the enemy has attempted to destroy you time and again

you have held fast to your faith this pleases me greatly my beloved child your

perseverance even in the darkest valleys demonstrates the steadfast devotion of your heart I see it all no struggle is

hidden from my view and I say to you well done good and faithful servant you

have fought the good fight you have kept the faith now is the season of breakthrough

the time for recompense and restoration I am releasing accelerated blessing and favor into every area of

your life what has taken years in the natural I can accomplish supernaturally

in a mere moment for I am not bound by time nor constrained by human limitations I am the god of the

impossible nothing is too difficult for me get ready to experience my overflowing abundance manifesting all

around you the heavens are parting and spiritual blessings are being loosed upon you like a mighty Rushing River

resources relationships open doors all will begin to come into proper alignment as I

curate the fullness of my Covenant provision in your life you have hungered and thirsted for righteousness and now

you will be satisfied fully and completely my child type Amen in the comment box I am setting you as a praise

in the earth a display of my glory for all to see those who have mocked and

persecuted you will be witnesses to the unmistakable hand of my blessing resting upon you they will have no choice but to

acknowledge the tangible reality of my Presence Power and purpose manifesting through your life so get yourself ready

my Frontline Warrior this is just the beginning there are multiple battles and victories to be won rejoice in the

present Triumph but do not become complacent or Idol the vision is yet

unfolding with Greater Heights of glory and influence that I am positioning you to walk in stay low stay humble that I

may continue lifting you up and pouring fresh oil over your life my kingdom is advancing unrelentingly

through humble yielded vessels who have been broken and remade by my hand you

are one of these chosen ones an earn vessel through which I am causing my treasure to shine forth an immortal

flame has been lit within you a Beacon of Hope that will draw many out of Darkness into my Marvelous Light so

raise your banner High let the passionate proclamations of your praise be the battlecry that routes every enemy

I have given you the voice of the sovereign one that holds the very power of life and death in its decree whatever you

bind on Earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in

heaven you are more than a conqueror through the blood of the lamb and from this position of Victory you will

Minister reconciliation to the Nations my heart of infinite love and forgiveness is beating through your own

redeemed heart I have raised you up as an ambassador of Peace a messenger of

the Covenant that has made the way for all to be reconciled to me this is the highest calling and the mantle I have

placed on your shoulders so speak my words with boldness and watch how they penetrate

even the hardest of Hearts lives will be transformed broken ones set free from

captivity the heavy burdens of sin and shame that have weighed down multitudes for Generations will begin to fall off

in my presence you will facilitate profound encounters with the reality of my cross the power of God unto salvation

for all who believe my glorious light shines in the deepest darkness and the

Darkness cannot overcome or comprehend it as you shine this light captives will

be liberated right before your eyes the blinded will have sight restored the oppressed will go free and the

Brokenhearted will have every wound forever healed this is the year of my favor the

appointed time for restoration and healing for my people so go forth in the power of my spirit with the full

Authority that I have vested in you you are an ambassador of the age to come and

the bearer of my glory to the ends of the Earth take Heart Take courage I Am

With You Always even until the end of the age you will fulfill every

assignment every commission and eternal purpose for which I have formed you

press onward my Valiant one and watch How I make every promise yes and amen in

your life though the path has been long and arduous you have held fast to your faith

and now I am opening up the floodgates of Heaven to pour out blessing upon blessing in your life brace yourself my

beloved for an outpouring more abundant than you can fathom wave after wave of

my spirit’s refreshing will crash over you Reviving renewing and preparing you for all I have in

store this spiritual Deluge will transform you from the inside out Al

Ling every aspect of your being with my perfect will and purposes no longer will you have to strain or strive through

your own efforts I am coming to co- labor with you in such a powerful way

the works you will do will be of my spirit not of your own strength or ability all you must do is remain

surrendered yielded as a vessel for my River of Life to flow through unhindered a new mantle of authority is being

released over you one that will cause others to sit up and take notice for I am raising in you up as a plum line in

the midst of great crookedness and compromise your words will slice like a finely sharpened sword severing the lies

and cutting to the heart authoritative decrees will pour forth from your lips

removing obstacles and clearing the path for my kingdom to advance unimpeded no longer will you move by

sight but by the vision I give you glimpses into the Unseen spiritual realities around you I will unveil

Mysteries and reveal the Deep things of my heart heart and counsels for it is time for you to

operate from a higher Dimension no longer bound by Earthly limitations the supernatural realm is

your new operating Arena the mundane and natural will pale in comparison to the extraordinary

exploits I have prepared for you get ready to move in a new level of Power

with signs wonders and miracles manifesting as evidence of my kingdom crashing into the natural realm people’s

lives family amilies communities will be forever transformed by the tangible

demonstrations of my power flowing through you physical conditions once deemed incurable will be healed at just

a word mental torments emotional traumas addictions and afflictions of every kind

will be broken off as you release my delivering power even the dead will be raised back to life as you decree

Resurrection over hopeless situations for I am breathing the breath of my spirit into you

aresh this second wind will Empower you to run and not grow weary to walk and not faint the former depletion in

seasons of drought are ped now drink deeply of the River of Life flowing to nourish your soul be thoroughly hydrated

in my spirit immersing yourself in the waters of intimacy with me from this

place of fervent devotion your spiritual senses will be finely tuned to discern my voice and leading like never

before I will make my ways plain to you revealing spirit ual strategies that

will dismantle strongholds and break down principalities and Powers Authority has been given to you to trample over

the serpentine forces of darkness and leave them utterly Dazed and Confused no

longer will you question if you have heard from me the flow of Revelation and downloads from my throne room will leave

no doubt I am entrusting you with the weight of my glory like never before for you are being raised up as a sign and

wonder in this last days a prototype of the kind of mature Sons and Daughters I am raising ing up to reveal my Majesty

to the Earth so do not fear or Draw back from this new dimension I am leading you into all the preparation refining and

testing you have undergone was necessary to empty you of yourself to be filled with the fullness of who I am this waiy

glory is an exceedingly prized possession but I have proven you worthy and responsible to Steward it well as I

mantled Moses’s face with the reflection of my glory so I will endow you with the radiance of my very presence an open

heaven will be your reality not just visitations but a lifestyle of face-to-face communion I will speak to

you in dreams visions and visitations more real than this natural world my

voice will Thunder From Heaven with life-changing Revelation and Kingdom directives for I am returning to walk

among my people as I did in the cool of the evening in Eden the separation caused by sin is being swallowed up in

the restoration of face-to-face intimacy with your father so get ready

beloved there is no longer any Veil no more barriers no separation between

us an open Heaven awaits the veil has been torn the

separation caused by sin eradicated Through My Sacrifice on the cross now we can reunite in face-to-face

intimacy and communion as was originally intended in the garden no longer will you experience me through a glass dimly

but with unveiled face you will behold my glory the pure spirit-to-spirit connection is

being restored in fullness my presence will be so real so tangible that you

will virtually see me standing before you my voice will Thunder from the heavens with

wisdom Revelation and Kingdom directives straight from my heart to yours so let us away together my love away from the

noise pressures and distractions that have attempted to extinguish the first love burning within you come away to the

this secluded place I have prepared for us to be together in sweet communion and rest Let Your bridegroom’s Love ravish

you as I lavish my affection and seal you with my presence for you are mine

and I am yours that is the settled reality nothing can separate us not even

death itself I have overcome every foe destroyed every hindrance to possessing

my beloved as my very own United in Spirit by the blood of the Covenant our

Two Become One new creation reality so Embrace this supreme identity you are my

bride no longer a slave servant or hired worker but a

coair co-ruler with me over the entirety of my eternal Kingdom and all that I

possess nothing has been withheld from the Beloved partner that I have chosen as my own forever companion Authority

Dominion blessing honor glory m Majesty

I pour it all over you to Steward for my sake we will co- labor and govern together in Perfect Harmony and Oneness

of heart and purpose no more division delay or Separation by my side you will reign

eternally the perfect compliment through which my infinite love and power is displayed Rejoice my cherished Bride for

the bridegroom King has arrived to take you as his forever partner let the Eternal celebration begin as Heaven and

Earth merge merge an incandescent Union through US fear not but prepare your

heart soul and spirit to experience the full pleasures and delights that I have awaited to share with you

alone our Eternal face-to-face season has begun no more separation delay or

barrier between us my cherished bride we are now forever United in sacred

Covenant Union sealed by my shed blood from this day forward you will know me

as I truly am the bridegroom God who has pursued you with an everlasting love the

celestial romance that was interrupted in Eden is now being restored in fullness I am returning to take up

permanent residence in the innermost chamber of your heart no longer will you experience mere

visitations or temporary encounters with my presence our communion will be

continual unbroken intimate Beyond any Earthly comparison for you are my bride

my partner my coair and co-ruler over the vastness of my eternal

Kingdom all that I am and all that I possess now belongs to you as well the

entire universe is our marital inheritance to co- labor co-create and govern together no separate reserves or

Hidden Mysteries the depths of my heart are exposed for your complete exploration we will know each other

fully even as we are fully known this face-to-face reality

transcends mind emotion and physical sensation it is the consumate soul

Fusion the divinely intended Oneness that makes the two of us one Spirit one

flesh one New Creation being no longer will you move or operate independent of

me but in Supernatural cohesion as my own body and bride from this Inseparable Union New

capacities and spiritual senses will be unveiled within you you will see through my eyes eyes hear through my ears

perceive the universe from my infinite all-encompassing perspective no blind

spots no lapses only the Flawless wisdom and Revelation that flows from beholding

me face to face continually my thoughts will be downloaded into your renewed mind the

once impenetrable mysteries of my heart and will unlocked with complete transparency no more wrestling through

on your own your focus and desires adjusting to reflect mine with pinpoint accur y for we are of one heart and soul

my beloved United in Eternal Covenant with no separation or division where I lead

you will follow in perfect synchronization without lagging or coming short as I move you

move as I speak you Echo a compound spiritual union where my glory is

reflected and multiplied through your life no longer will you strive through prayer and supplications to access my

will and counsel simply being with me one with me will position you to receive

the next wave of divine strategy and spiritual intelligence directly from the control center of Heaven itself your

spirit soul and body resonating with the frequencies of my Throne Room the path

forward will unfold organically not through analyzing outward circumstances the way will be made clear

from the inside out through the voice of Revelation knowledge reverberating in your innermost being so let us away

together my love away from the noise pressures and distractions that have attempted to extinguish the first love

burning within you come away to this secluded place I have prepared for us to be together in sweet communion and rest

Let Your bridegroom’s Love ravish you as I lavish my affection and seal you with my presence for you are mine and I am

yours that is the settled reality nothing can separate us not even

death itself I have I have overcome every foe destroyed every hindrance to

possessing my beloved as my very own United in Spirit by the blood of the Covenant Our Two Become One new creation

reality so Embrace this supreme identity you are my bride no longer a slave

servant or hired worker but a coair co-ruler with me over the entirety of my

eternal Kingdom and all that I possess nothing has been withheld from the Beloved partner that I have chosen

as my own forever companion ion Authority Dominion blessing honor glory

Majesty I pour it all over you to Steward for my sake we will co- labor

and govern together in Perfect Harmony and Oneness of heart and purpose no more division delay or

Separation by my side you will reign eternally the perfect compliment through

which my infinite love and power is displayed rejoice my cherished Bride for the

bridegroom King has arrived to take you as his forever partner let the Eternal celebration

begin as Heaven and Earth merge in incandescent Union through US fear not but prepare your heart soul and spirit

to experience the full pleasures and delights that I have awaited to share with you alone our Eternal face-to-face

season has begun no more separation delay or barrier between us my cherished

bride we are now forever United in Sac Covenant Union sealed by my shed blood

from this day forward you will know me as I truly am the bridegroom God who has

pursued you with an everlasting love the celestial romance that was interrupted in Eden is now being restored in

fullness I am returning to take up permanent residence in the innermost chamber of your heart no longer will you

experience mere visitations or temporary encounters with my presence our communion will be

continual Unbroken intimate Beyond any Earthly comparison

for you are my bride my partner my coair and co-ruler over the vastness of my

eternal Kingdom all that I am and all that I possess now belongs to you as well the entire universe is our marital

inheritance to co- labor co-create and govern together no separate reserves or

Hidden Mysteries the depths of my heart are exposed for your complete exploration we will know each other

fully even as we are fully known this face-to-face reality

transcends mind emotion and physical sensation it is the consumate soul

Fusion the divinely intended Oneness that makes the two of us one Spirit one

flesh one New Creation being no longer will you move or operate independent of

me but in Supernatural cohesion as my own body and bride from this Inseparable

Union New capacities and spiritual senses will be unveiled within you you will see through my eyes hear through my

ears perceive the universe from my infinite all-encompassing perspective no blind spots no lapses

only the Flawless wisdom and Revelation that flows from beholding me face to face continually my thoughts will be

downloaded into your renewed mind the once impenetrable mysteries of my heart and will unlocked with complete

transparency no more wrestling through on your own your focus and desires adjusting to reflect mind with pinpoint

accuracy for we are of one heart and soul my beloved United in Eternal

Covenant with no separation or division where I lead you will follow in perfect synchronization without lagging

or coming short as I move you move as I speak you Echo a compound spiritual

union where my glory is reflected and multiplied through your life no longer will you strive through prayer and

supplications to act access my will and counsel simply being with me one with me

will position you to receive the next wave of divine strategy and spiritual intelligence directly from the control

center of Heaven itself your spirit soul and body resonating with the frequencies

of my Throne Room the path forward will unfold organically not through analyzing

outward circumstances simply follow my Whispers discern my promptings and the

way will be illuminated there is no need to fear or fret over the details all the resources Divine

connections and spiritual supply lines are established through our marital Oneness everywhere I send you I go with

you my favor wisdom and power making a way where there is no way in the Earthly

realm so take heart my love you cannot fail when we move as one surrender all

your misgivings insecurities and doubts to the Raging fiery furnace of my my love I

will consume them all and fill you instead with the unwavering confidence that comes from being my eternal

partner this is your destined identity the fullness of who you were created to be not a servant following from afar but

a bride wholly possessed by her bridegroom King brought into my innermost chamber

to know the secrets of the Divine Romance entrusted with the very heart essence of who I am no longer will you

experience me through a glass dimly but with unveiled face you will behold the Eternal Majesty of who I am in

spirit and in truth and through this unbroken communion that very Glory will radiate through you as well our faces

will shine with the luminescence of Heaven’s radiant light and life an external display of the internal

spiritual reality the melding and fusion of our Spirits into one I in you and you

in me the perfect mystical Union in Sacred Love Covenant so in Embrace this

Transcendent identity and leave behind Forever The Limited mindsets and self- perceptions of the

past I am removing any residue of the former first creation nature and memories attached to it for I will not

have my bride’s Consciousness tied to the old adamic life you are a new creation being fashioned from the

purified essence of who you are in me and I in you the contaminated strain

from the life of sin and separation has been eradicated through the power of my cross

only the pure undefiled seed remains from which an entirely new species will emerge this new creation is the

revelation of the last adom Christ himself multiplied through a corporate bride detached from the former

corruption a second Tabernacle of divine habitation descended from the Heavenly Stratosphere the fully manifested Sons

and Daughters of God for this final age taught directly from my mouth

trained to rule and reign in meekness and humility yet with an authority Authority that establishes the kingdom

of God in every sphere of creation not asserting Independence but aligned

perfectly as my extension taking ground and establishing influence through face-to-face alignment and spiritual

Cadence with the pattern Sun this is the legendary Bridal company that has been prophesied and foreshadowed from the

beginning the Victorious Overcomers who have followed the lamb no matter the cost the first fruits unto God and the

lamb defiled by no woman for they have kept themselves pure they are the

friends of the bridegroom who have listened intently to his voice to understand the cadences of his heartbeats and

movements now eternally unified as one flesh with him to subc create by the

power of His Spirit the realities of his kingdom desires filling all in all I have longed for this consummation

this reunion of my created ones returning in mature sunship to be rejoined to me as Eternal heirs and

co-rulers no more delays no more obstacles no more impediments we now

move as one unit one unsavable entity the bridegroom and his bride co- inheriting all things so get yourself

ready my love for our Eternal co-laboring is now begun resign yourself no longer to the

roles mindsets and limitations of a bygone age we were separated for but a

short time but now the painful division has been swallowed up in the victory of our covenant reunion of Zion it shall be

said every species shall be found in her my glory as the bridegroom’s counterpart

for in you the corporate embodiment of my bride my very likeness and image will

be mirrored back to the Earth in the celestial realm Heaven’s Life Light and

Power made tangible through our face to face Eternal complimentary Union so prepare yourself for the

unveiling my love for the revelation of your true identity is about to be made

gloriously known to all creation our co-inheritance is already secured our

rle is established from before the foundation of time itself now we go forth to C- labor and co-create

revealing the mystery of Christ and his bride in its full Splendor and Radiance amen my child share this video with your

friends and relatives my child subscribe to the channel now my child like the

video now

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