My love for you overflows, my beloved son | A God’s message for you today

my beloved child my love for you

overflows in every small detail of your

life it is like the rain that gently

falls on dry ground bringing life and

renewal as the rain and the snow come

down from heaven and do not return to it

without watering the Earth and making it

bud and flourish so that it yields seed

for the sewer and bread for the eater


each act of kindness you perform

each smile you offer are reflections of

the love I pour upon you

I see and recognize the goodness in your

heart and it fills me with pride when

You Face life’s challenges with courage

even when the path seems arduous and

lonely my love for you manifests as a

protective shield but the Lord is

faithful and he will strengthen you and

protect you from the evil one see in


I never abandon you even in the

moments of greatest difficulty my

presence is constant guiding your every

step feel my love surrounding you like a

cloak of protection giving you the

strength to overcome any obstacle you

may not realize it but my love also

reveals itself in the small daily

blessings you

receive because of the Lord’s great love

we are not consumed for his compassions

never fail they are new every morning

great is your faithfulness Lamentations

from the air you breathe to the

opportunities that that come your way

everything is an expression of my care

for you each Sunrise is a new chance to

experience my love and mercy which are

renewed every day my love for you is so

deep that nothing can separate you from

me for I am convinced that neither death

nor life neither angels nor demons

neither the present nor the future nor

any powers neither height nor depth nor

anything else in all creation will be

able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our lord Romans

in all moments I am with you sharing

your Joys and carrying your burdens my

love is eternal and unconditional always

present to comfort and strengthen my

love for you Knows No Limits just as the

ocean has no end whenever you feel doubt

or fear remember that my love is the

anchor that keeps your soul firm we have

this hope as an anchor for the soul firm

and secure it enters the inner Sanctuary

behind the curtain Hebrews

when the storms of life threaten to

shake you my love remains constant

holding you firmly and giving you the

peace needed to endure any trial in

every moment of your life from the

happiest to the most challenging I am

present loving you

unconditionally even though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of

death I will fear no evil for you are

with me your rod and your staff they

comfort me Psalm

no matter where you are or what you

are facing my love for you is a beacon

of light that never goes out guiding you

back to me my love for you is a source

of constant renewal offering you the

opportunity to start a new as many times

as needed the old is gone the new is

here say Corinthians

each new day is my gift to you an

invitation to leave behind the mistakes

of the past and embrace the new

possibilities that arise my Mercy is

renewed every morning and my love for

you never fails when you feel lost or

helpless know that my love is your

Refuge God is our refuge and strength

and everpresent help in trouble Psalm

in my arms you will find comfort

and protection there is no safer place

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