MY CHILD FEW WILL SEE THIS | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now

my precious one I have ordained this season of your life to be overflowing with blessings beyond measure as you

commune with me in prayer the seeds of steadfast Faith planted within you are

blossoming promising a Bountiful Harvest of joy that will flood your soul with gladness and ReSound through the halls

of Eternity with laughter and joyful shouts yet along this hallowed Journey

you must resolve within your heart that no struggle is insurmountable when I am by your side when faced with mountains

of hardship remain confident in the knowledge that I will move those mountains as you boldly command them to

be cast into the sea the forces of heaven will surge in alignment and unleash torrents of Supernatural

provision to satisfy the deepest longings of your soul lifting you to

exhilarating New Heights in me each Sunrise unfurls Majestic wonders

blanketing The Horizon with the Golden Glow of new Beginnings Whispering of Adventures yet Unwritten paths yet


unwalkable from the scorching heat my hand is your shelter in Wild

storms my joy is a gentle rain to refresh your weary soul for this

appointed time the days of Supernatural favor are upon you by the decree of the

most high God to be blessed is to Revel in the Torrance of Joy pouring forth

from my Throne the extravagant outpouring of all that you need to complete and satisfy you it is to

confidently face free battle armed with the Revelation that I have already secured the victory on your

behalf to be blessed is to offer your life as a living sacrifice of worship to

the one who paid the ultimate price for your Redemption it is to extend generosity to

those in desperate need braving rejection for the gospel enduring

persecution for operating in the power of my spirit to be blessed is to

continually abide in unspeakable joy rooted deeply in the unshakable

foundation of Faith experiencing my peace which transcends human

understanding even in the midst of raging storms in this sacred communion between us I am calling you to fully

embrace the magnitude of these blessings to live out your days with a heart spilling over with gratitude and to walk

in the Bold Assurance of my Limitless love and unwavering Mercy towards you the path stretching out before for

you glows with the Brilliance of my manifested presence as you walk in the light of my countenance you will

discover rivers of delight to satisfy your soul and joy beyond

measure behold the essence of blessing is discovered not mainly in your circumstances or material possessions

but in lifting your eyes to meet mine and seeing the smile that creases the corners as if you gaze directly into the

face of your king who watches over you so tenderly ordering your every

step true blessedness is found in the Simplicity of being content with Daily Bread I Faithfully provide in the quiet

trusting Stillness of resting in the knowledge that I will supply what you need not just naturally but

spiritually I will take care of your family imparting wisdom and Revelation

to guide you into deeper Realms of understanding me and my ways this wisdom and insight will enable

you to follow close by my side as my beloved one flourishing each day under

my nurture and living by the principles in my word with great joy and

wholehearted abandon hear this truth resonating through your innermost being the days of

Supernatural blessing and favor are not merely approaching they are almost upon

you let your heart reverberate with strong faith in this reality for you

know by EXP experience that when I declare something to be so my word never

Falls void or unfulfilled bring to me now every burden and worry that has weighed so heavily

upon your shoulders threatening to crush you beneath its enormity for surely the time for rest

and refreshing has come you have poured yourself out in service for others until

utterly spent beyond measure yet today I am Drawing Near to lift you up tenderly

in my arms I gather you close to my heart to comfort you I surround you with

my love and speak words of life and healing over you hear this solemn promise I make to you the days of

blessings beyond your ability to contain are just over the horizon coming into view even now and these promises will

indeed come to fruition fix your faith firmly on this hope I have

spoken for you recognize well that when I the almighty God make a decree

my word never fails but always comes to pass come to me now with every burden

and source of anxiety allowing me to lift it from your strained shoulders for

this juncture in time is a sacred portal into deeper places of Peace restoration

and empowerment for you you have exhausted yourself expending emotional mental and physical

energy to benefit others yet today I’m drawing near to embrace you

tightly I will will be your shelter and place of respite I will envelop you in

my vast unfathomable love but do not neglect your own inner well-being in the

process it is essential you continue to pursue me in seasons of prayer and communion listening for The Whispers of

my spirit draw near to receive fresh Revelation and empowerment from my heart

to yours take heed to the plans I have set in motion for you plans to completely

transform and revolutionize your life and future Legacy it is not my design for you to

stay in this present state of weariness turmoil and lack I have delivered you

out of the grip of the oppressor and broken every chain that kept you bound I have spoken irrevocable Freedom healing

wholeness and blessing over you I have redeemed you from the curse and its effects I have reconciled you into the

right relationship with me clothed you in Royal Robes of righteousness and

restored your identity as my precious child in whom I am well pleased out of

my extravagant love for you I have held back nothing this is your spiritual inheritance as my child my Divine intent

is for you to live and walk in the fullness of who I have created you to be

to enjoy a life marked by joy and freedom from lack or despair by my goodness in abundance I am pleased with

you you I celebrate you with singing and Delight over you you are the apple of my

eye my treasured possession do not see yourself as rejected abandoned or unwanted dismiss

those lies from the enemy even now you are safely unfolded within the shelter

of my wings I am pouring out my love over you in endless supply I am imparting

strength and comfort I see and understand the depth of your pain and I want you to know I

share in it too I promise you are never alone in these turbulent times even if all others

forsake you still I remain faithful I will never leave you on your own I am

moved with compassion towards you in your Affliction I know the accusations and lies bombarding your thoughts I see

how adversity assails you from all sides but do not lose hope or give way to despair’s sinking sand for I am the

lifter of your head I will uphold you with my righteous right hand till you are able to stand steady once again I am

stirring up Divine strategies for my throne room which will entirely overwhelm and decimate the works of

darkness seeking to torment you I am arising to utterly demolish the onslaught of the enemy where Fierce

oppression tries to press in there will I command Deliverance to Spring forth mightily I will fight for you I will

defend and protect you under the shelter of my wings I will perfect all that concerns you and restore The Vineyards

which have been ravaged and burned with fire I am the great restorer and

Redeemer what has been devastated I will now rebuild into something greater than you have known the land that was

desolate shall flourish with new life barrenness shall give way to Bountiful

harvests I will make your planting secure and ensure proper stewardship over every good thing I pour out so that

it shall remain fruitful in due season I am causing streams to Break Forth even

in your desert places I will turn your wastelands into a well-watered garden

what was lost shall be found what was driven away I will now restore that which lies in broken ruins

I the master builder shall reconstruct into something breathtakingly beautiful a trophy of my restorative genius on

display for all to see and no power can reverse or undermine what I am establishing by my hand now

every limitation opposition weapon formed against you shall ultimately fail and backfire I am silencing your

accusers and vindicating you before the universe those who scorned and mocked shall witness the glory I manifest

through you and be astounded I will turn their disbelief into awe and wonder for

the Zeal of the Lord Almighty is set to accomplish this promise on your behalf

my outstretched arm is not too short to save or deliver all of Heaven’s resources are at my command to be

released over your life is needed yes storms will come adversity is an

inevitable part of life on this Fallen Planet but set your gaze beyond the churning waves fix your eyes on the

Unseen one greater than any Force seen with natural eyes train your ears to hear the voice

of your savior drowning out the condemning scream dreams all around feel

the firm grip of the nail scarred hand reaching out to catch you in faith and know this to the depths of your

innermost being no created or conceived power retains the capability to disconnect or

detach you from my unconditional Eternal and extravagant love for you and my Divine Purpose being

fulfilled in you what then are you to conclude from this reach out and fully embrace the

reality of my un ending love for you now let loose the death grip on

lingering doubts that still Shadow your heart in order to make room for Mountain Moving Faith to ignite within you allow

confident Assurance to rise and to overflow until not a trace of uncertainty remains let your confidence

be an anchor for your soul an immovable Foundation to build your life upon which no storm or trial can shake for this I

have ordained you my precious one this inheritance belongs to you take hold of

it with both hands without hesitation the time has come to stand your ground without wavering or Retreat the hour is

ripe for you to Rise Up from the quicksand of Despair and discouragement to embrace your true identity in Christ

to walk tall in the purpose I have prepared for you from of old yes

adversities will howl in Rage but have I not said no weapon formed will succeed

not when heav ‘s armies heed my command to intervene on your behalf array

yourself in the full armor I Supply you resist the devil’s schemes he will flee

from your steadfast stand of Faith speak forth the promises in my word wield them

as the sharp double-edged sword to decimate the lies screaming in your ears

declaration and decree Lord God this day you have given

me life and purpose I feel the mantle of authority descending Your Divine

enablement permeating every fiber of my being from head to toe I yield my

thoughts and emotions into your care for realignment with Kingdom principles I receive every word you have deposited

into my spirit now you have spoken therefore I choose to agree to

confess what you confirm not what my circumstances

indicate thank you for meeting with me in this moment for imparting fresh perspective and

strategy I rest confidently in your Solutions being made manifest

amen and yes while you have lofty Ambitions Big Dreams and detailed plans

laid out before you take care not to over complicate or allow Soul weariness to Sidetrack you from what matters most

eternally for I have prepared you for such a time as this with my wisdom and spiritual discernment to light your path

every step of the way so come boldly before my Throne to receive all you need

I am Overjoyed as I observe your Relentless Pursuit Of Destiny fueled by

Passion and diligence but now is a pivotal moment for deepening your awareness of my movements and purposes

surrounding your life presently stand in Readiness to recognize the signs as I begin unveiling

significant turns in your journey which will utterly revolutionize all that has come before

my beloved child have courage to pursue every opportunity set before

you should obstacles arise along your path keep focused on the vision I have

given you it is through overcoming challenges that my blessings shall

emerge in due time a bountiful Kingdom awaits the daring those who know their innate value

and pay no heed to voices of failure take solace in the knowledge

that you never walk alone for I am the everpresent guide at your side each step

leads you closer to the Fulfillment of your deepest dreams under my watchful gaze the difficulties you encounter now

are but Stepping Stones I have laid to lift you higher than before have faith and resilience in the face of adversity

for my Grace has opened the gateway to Blessings Untold stand firm in your worth undaunted by fear or dismay

and claim the Victory and purpose I have promised you I formed You by my very

breath kindling your inner fire and granting you Majesty over my

creation yet if hesitation binds you fast if doubtful voices sway you from my

truth we stand at a Crossroads to flourish by my design your

faith must take root in the knowledge that my love for you transcends human fathoming believe that I am ever near

laboring to bless and exalt you your life resides secure within my hands

trust unreservedly in this eternal Covenant between us boldly affirm your faith in me Step Into My Embrace and

feel my Healing Touch men fractures of the past bringing Solace to your spirit

as the new dawn emerges my longing is to banish nighttime sorrows and flood your soul

with indestructible Joy many long hours have you wrestled alone with burdens far too heavy to

Bear allow me to lift this weight as your Confidant and friend value our bond too rich for Words

yet so intimate Revere me not only as your God but as the listening ear for your

innermost Secrets as the Strong Tower where your confessions find Refuge from

condemnation under my Mercy’s Shield the wrongs of yesterday are memories to me

alone I dwell not on what lies behind set apart special moments to commune

with me I hear each whispered prayer and carefully begin crafting my

response have but Faith though answers linger my promises will never

fail the blessings and breakthroughs your soul cries for even now hasten toward you for this moment be still and

know that better days are coming sustenance peace Health renewed by my

hand wealth of spirit and prosperity undreamed of now Unity through your

household forgiveness and restoration to love once more receive this new dawn as

my gift to you for today alone give thanks not only for sunlight’s warmth but for my plan being

woven in lives burdened under Sorrows weight I appoint you as my Messenger to

radiate my love toward them as you reflect my nature Joy will swell up from

within like streams in a desert my deepest yearning is to see my beloved

rejoicing no deception lives in this yet the choice remains with you to honor me

above all in your life to walk in my ways though surrounded on all sides by

adversity still I Delight to bless you when anxiety builds its prison around

your mind Escape into my Sheltering Wings unload every heavy burden onto my

shoulders my compassion Knows No Limits internalize this truth I speak over you

my Readiness to Aid you and yours through times of need wavers not start each morning by Whispering

thanks for the dawn’s rebirth remember always those despairing Souls who cry

for Hope shine ever brighter for them by embodying Worship in all you

do as you cultivate a lifestyle overflowing with praise resilience will

spring up inside like a well and your joy becomes a fountain for I take utmost

Delight in your happiness yet your fulfillment pivots on your willingness to exalt Me Above All Else adhering to

my instruction seek me with perseverance apart from all distractions and Marvel at the Miracles

I shall bring even even through the storm my extravagant love for you holds firm when the cares of this life

overwhelm return to me spill out your anguish in my presence and allow my infinite compassion to lift you back to

peace my cherished one never doubt the intensity of my love toward you it shall

continually restore what is broken and instill new purpose and

Delight our relationship stands Paramount draw near with your whole

heart unhindered by fear or shame I brought you into being by my

word selecting you before time itself awoke I see clearly every dimension of

your existence your struggles and triumphs hopes and fears when mistakes Mar your path I

respond not in anger but in Mercy none can offer the sanctuary of acceptance I

extend to you those promising friendship often wound deep behind closed doors

only in me will you discover true belonging as I gather up the fragments they left

behind approach boldly for I receive you as my beloved child in my strength we

will together rebuild your life a new hold fast to me above all changing

tides though Seasons bring hardship I remain pour out your soul to me in full

transparency along the journey and divine counsel shall sustain you I

correct because I love Desiring your highest good authority to guide your

steps I rightfully claim having drawn you out of nothingness by my word when aimless wandering leads far

from home I set out after you gently steering your feet back to the path of

Peace here flows the river of my kindness whose Waters can restore every

parched place within listen now as I appeal to you this day do not forget my love reaches

farther and deeper than any pain you have endured In Me Is Power and desire to

deliver you from despair’s pit to Joy’s Summit allow me to rekindle faded Vision

infusing you with passion for life as in days of old above all trust me rest in

the Strong Tower of my love shielding you Calamity will one day give way to

Glory let this promise fortify you like Bedrock beneath when floods arise to

sweep your feet from under you still I remain to Bear you up my presence Faithfully upholds you through water and

Flame never absent never sleeping this You Must Believe with your whole being my love for you stands

Resolute from age to age make your dwelling now and always in this unchanging reality I have

spoken here resides power to transform Ashes to Beauty

mourning to gladness as you continually abide in me

drinking deeply from wisdom’s Wellspring even Distant Shores once

veiled will Marvel at the work I bring to pass in you yours is an integral role

in my unfolding story for through your life lived well many caught in Shadows will awaken to my

light and turn their faces heavenward they will behold my loving hand upon you reshaping your spirit a

new and realize I offer boundless life to them as well continue steadfast in

intercession for loved ones wandering far from me though exceeding human reach

nothing eludes my sight your prayers unlock channels of Grace whereby I minister to each soul for whom you plead

my cause do not lose heart or grow weary for desperate is their need of your

unceasing prayer be assured I accompany them in each step shielding from harm

those dear to you fear no more for your household I am sovereignly working to

dispel chaos and restore Harmony once lost together you will share joy and

Oneness of spirit Beyond former imaginings I now distance all sowing

seeds of bitterness and division yet never fail to return good for evil as I

have loved and forgiven you extend such Grace to those who have have wronged you

refuse to mirror their hostility and assuredly you will witness reconciliation

Blossom blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God

as you walk blameless in love before conflicts gaze my reign advances through

you your gentle answer diffuses rage your restraint exposes hatreds futility

stand confident in this calling persist unwavering in prayer remain rooted in

compassion toward Every Soul made in my image as you walk in step with me you become a conduit of my healing

mercies the unity your family requires is already breaking forth I am the

master Weaver interlacing each thread to Fashion a covering of love under its shelter abundantly shall you thrive as

one household made whole I crafted you with Divine intent to broadcast my

virtues Illuminating all around you with Heaven’s brilliance thus shall many be drawn from Darkness

through observing my likeness emerge in you when curious glances turn toward the

profound change in your demeanor be ready to testify of my goodness declare

boldly that the same power transforming you stands able to revolutionize their

lives as [Music]



through faith in me continue steadfast in interceding for loved ones though you cannot remain constantly

by their side my presence pervades the universe therefore be at peace my

beloved I will show myself strong through you your role in our relationship is

profound in its Simplicity first receive my extravagant love poured out upon you then freely

give to Every Soul you meet leave the outcomes in my hands move forward with

courage to engage each moment as my emissary this brings me tremendous joy for now

you begin to comprehend my purpose for you our Oneness Knows No Limits together

we shall showcase redemption’s light to the watching world my promises prove

trustworthy in due season you who wait upon me will renew your strength and never grow

weary this day receive my blessing as you go forth boldly in my name my

beloved child my love for you transcends time and space burns brighter than ,

sons from before the foundation of the world you were known to me written on

the tablet of my heart when doubt and fear assail you threatening to drown your spirit in

Shadow remember always that I am with you my eye is upon you my spirit hovers

near you are enveloped eternally in the radiance of my presence no earthly power can overwhelm

the smallest flame of faith that flickers within your soul fan that flame

nurture its glow let its light pierce the encroaching Gloom banishing the

darkness I know your innermost anxieties the secret wounds etched upon your heart

I have counted every tear that falls held you as you shook with an anguished sobs through interminable nights of

Despair my child cling to this truth though sorrow May linger for the night

Joy comes in the morning The Long Dark Night of weeping Shall Pass Dawn already

caresses The Horizon even now the sunlight comes seeping gently through the cracks in your battered and bruised

heart let it stream in bright and golden as liquid love let it wash you clean

Body and Soul the time has come to shake off the feds of the past to rise renewed

and walk forward boldly into the future I have prepared for you fear not

tomorrow’s uncertainties I go before you to prepare your way leveling the uneven ground at

your feet smoothing the place is made rough by life’s upheavals my promises

are Bedrock having stood the test of time they will infallibly bear the weight of your hopes your dreams your

very life even now unknown to you I am working

tirelessly behind the scenes on your behalf do not attempt to grasp or control the intricate workings of my

Providence relinquish your anxieties into my hands and watch as Miracles unfold in the fullness of time all will

be revealed according to my perfect timing refuse impatience to its foothold

in your thoughts fretfulness is corrosive eroding faith and trust

be still know that I am God cease your doing be content simply to be to abide

in me I am the vine you are the branches remain in me and my life blood

will coar through you nourishing you sustaining you producing abundant fruit

in due season have you forgotten the testimony of my presence in ages past

how I moved Heaven and Earth accomplishing The Impossible on behalf of my people has my power diminished my

arm shortened so that I cannot save certainly not I remain the same

yesterday today and forever do not dwell on former glories nor Pine after bygone

blessings yes you have stumbled much along your journey sustained wounds both

self-inflicted and unjustly inflicted by those who ought to have upheld you you

have shed countless tears wandering far From the Path I intended squandering

precious time chasing vain Shadows but my child


turn [Music]


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your eyes from past failures do not permit the enemy to barrage you with

accusations mercilessly rehearsing your every flaw and fo his condemnations are meaning less

noise powerless to damn you rest securely in my unconditional love for

you though your sins once stained Crimson now they shine white as snow

cleansed in my atoning blood beloved child hear me I make all

things new this moment is a new beginning for you alive with potential

shimmering with iridescent hope I will lead you along the right Pathways towards the Fulfillment of all I have

spoken concerning you as I live my promises shall not return void my words

will accomplish all that I purpose prospering abundantly in all that I send them to do go now in strength renewed

and courage reinforced by the knowledge of my abiding presence confront your fears headon no longer intimidated by

their Petty tyres the Shadows recede before the dawning light of this new day I have

given you Divine Destiny awaits you my child grasp

it with both hands lifted high in hopeful expectation The Best Is Yet To Come

believe this act on it with boldness and you will discover its truth manifest in

your life both now and in the age to come my love and sweetest blessings

unfold you eternallyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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