I Offer You A New Beginning | God Message For You | God Message Today |Gods Message Now |God Message

[Music] my beloved children as i gaze upon the world I have created my heart aches with

a profound sorrow I see the pain and suffering that plagues Humanity the

tears that stain your cheeks and the weight of burdens that crush your

spirits I feel every Pang of Anguish that grips your souls for you are my

precious Creations fashioned in my own image yet despite my boundless love for

you I witness the rampant Injustice and cruelty that permeate Your

Existence I hear the cries of the oppressed the whales of the downtrodden

and the silent screams of those who suffer in solitude the Earth groans under the

weight of sin and despair it’s very Foundation shaken by the violence and

Chaos that engulf it my heart breaks as I see the divisions that tear families

apart the hatred that poisons hearts and the loneliness that GS at The Souls of

my children I weep for the innocent lives lost to senseless violence and

tragedy for the dreams shattered and the hopes dashed by the harsh realities of

life oh how I long to gather you close to me to comfort you in your pain and

wipe away every tear from your eyes but know this my beloved ones you are not

alone in your suffering I’m with you always my presence a Beacon of Hope in

the darkness my love a BAL for your wounded Hearts though the road ahead may

be fraught with trials and tribulations take heart for I am the god of

redemption and restoration trust in me and I will turn your mourning into dancing your sorrow

into Joy hold fast to the promise of my unfailing love and together we will

overcome the darkness that threatens to engulf you my beloved child as I can

continue to watch over you my heart is gripped by the anguish of

betrayal it pains me to see the ways in which you turn against one another

inflicting wounds that run deep and shatter the bonds of trust and love

betrayal takes many forms each more devastating than the last it lurks in

the shadows disguised as friendship loyalty and love only to reveal its true

nature when it is too late it is a dagger in the back a poison in the cup a

darkness that consumes the soul I see the pain etched upon your faces when

those you hold dear turn their backs on you when the ones you trust with your

heart betray your trust I feel the raw Agony of rejection The Sting of

abandonment and the crushing weight of broken promises my heart breaks for you my

beloved children as you grapple with the aftermath of betrayal I know the sleepless night

spent wrestling with doubt and insecurity the endless tears shed over

Shattered Dreams and Lost Innocence I see the walls you build Around Your

Hearts Brick by Brick In A desperate attempt to Shield yourselves from further pain but hear me now my dear

ones you’re not defined by the betrayals you have endured though Others May

forsake you I will never leave your side my love for you is unwavering unyielding

a Beacon of Hope in the darkest of nights take solace in the knowledge that

I am the god of redemption the Healer of broken hearts I will take

your pain and turn it into purpose your ashes into Beauty trust in me and I will

lead you through the valley of betrayal guiding you safely to the other

side in the depths of your pain and anguish I am there my beloved children

cradling you in the Embrace of my boundless love though the storm rage and the

tempests roar know that you are not alone for I am with you holding you

close to my heart picture if you will The Tender

Touch of my hand wiping away your tears soothing the wounds of your weary Soul

feel the warmth of my presence surrounding you like a comforting

blanket wrapping you in a of love and protection even amidst the darkest

moments of your life my love shines brightly Illuminating the path before

you and guiding you through the Shadows though the road may be long and fraught

with obstacles know that I walk beside you every step of the way offering you

strength and support in your time of need as you Journey Through The Valleys

of sorrow and despair know that my love is a Beacon of Hope shining brightly in

the darkness it is a love that knows no bounds a love that transcends time and

space a love that will never let you go so do not lose heart my children for

even in the midst of your pain there is beauty to be found it is in your

Brokenness that you find strength in your suffering that you find Solace and

in your tears that you find Healing embrace the love that surrounds

you my beloved children and know that I’m always here for you holding you in

the palm of my hand With Every Beat of your heart with every breath that you

take remember that you are loved beyond measure and that nothing in all creation

can ever separate you from my love in the depths of your pain and suffering

there lies a balb of healing waiting to be discovered the bomb of forgiveness

though forgiveness may seem like an impossible task especially in the face of deep hurt and betrayal it is a

necessary step on the path to healing forgiveness is not about excusing the

actions of those who have wronged you or pretending that the pain they cause does

not exist rather it is about acknowledging the pain and choosing to

let go of the grip it holds on your soul when someone wrongs us it’s natural to

feel anger resentment and a desire for justice however holding on to these

negative emotions only serves to prolong our suffering and prevent us from moving

forward it’s like carrying a heavy burden that weighs us down and prevents

us from experiencing true freedom but trust in me for I am the ultimate source

of healing and restoration when you choose to forgive

you open open the door for my love to enter your heart and bring about

transformation forgivenesses is a gift that you give yourself my beloved

children it is a gift that frees you from the chains of bitterness and

resentment allowing you to experience true peace and joy it is a gift that

opens the door to reconciliation and rest to ation both

within yourself and in your relationships with others when you

forgive you are not condoning the hurtful actions of others nor are you

denying the pain they caused you instead you are choosing to release yourself

from the prison of unforgiveness and reclaim your

power forgiveness is a process and it may take time to fully let go of the

hurt and anger you feel it requires courage humility and a willingness to

let go of the desire for Revenge but know that you do not walk

this path alone I am with you every step of the

way offering my love strength and guidance so I urge you my dear children

to let go of the past and embrace the he healing power of

forgiveness release the pain that binds you and allow my love to wash over you

like a gentle stream soothing your wounded soul and bringing you wholeness

and peace for in forgiveness you will find the freedom to live fully and love

deeply once again and as you extend forgiveness to others you also open

yourself up to receiving the gift of forgiveness from me let forgiveness be

the bridge that leads you from Darkness into light from Brokenness into

wholeness and from despair into hope in the depths of Despair where pain and

sorrow seem to engulf every corner of the soul the lies a glimmer of hope the

promise of healing but the road to Healing is not an easy one it is frout with

challenges obstacles and moments of Doubt yet it is

a journey worth undertaking for it leads to the restoration of the spirit and the

renewal of the heart as you embark on this journey towards healing know that

you do not walk alone I am with you every every step of the way guiding you

comforting you and lifting you up when you stumble trust in me my child for I

am the source of all healing and The Giver of Peace the first step on the

journey towards healing is to acknowledge the pain that dwells within you allow yourself to feel the full

weight of your sorrow to grieve for what has been lost and to express your

emotions without reservation it is only by facing your

pain headon that you can begin to release its grip on your heart and soul

next open your heart to the possibility of forgiveness forgiveness is not easy

especially when the wounds are deep and the scars are still fresh but it is

essential for healing to take place choose to let go of resentment anger and

bitterness and embrace the gift of forgiveness with an open heart remember

forgiveness is not for the benefit of others it is for your own healing and

peace of mind as you Journey towards healing

surround yourself with love and support lean on friends family and love ones who

can offer you comfort encouragement and a listening ear share

your burden with those who care about you and allow them to walk alongside you

on this difficult path take care of yourself physically emotionally and

spiritually nourish your body with healthy food exercise and rest take time to engage in

activities that bring you joy and peace whether it’s spending time in nature

practicing mindfulness or pursuing creative Endeavors feed your soul with

prayer meditation and reflection and draw strength from your faith in me be

patient with yourself and allow yourself the time and space you need to heal

healing is a gradual process and it cannot be rushed there will be days when

you feel strong and hopeful and days when you feel weak and

discouraged but know that each step you take no matter how small brings you

closer to wholeness and restoration finally embrace the lessons

that your pain has to teach you pain has a way of stripping away the superficial

and revealing what truly matters in life allow yourself to learn and grow from

your experiences and let them shape you into a stronger wiser and more

compassionate person remember my child that healing is not the absence of pain

but the ability to find peace and joy in spite of it it is the process of

reclaiming your life and your sense of self and emerging from the darkness into

the light trust in me and I will lead you safely through the storms of life to

a place of healing wholeness and peace in the depths of Despair where the

shadows of pain Loom large and the weight of Sorrow presses heavily upon

the soul there exists a flicker of light a glimmer of hope that pierces through

the darkness and illuminates the path ahead it is a beacon of Promise a

reminder that even in the darkest of times hope

endures as you stand on the threshold of Despair grappling with the agony of loss

and the anguish of Brokenness I extend my hand to you

offering you a Lifeline of Hope for for Hope is not merely wishful thinking or

blind optimism it is a steadfast belief in the possibility of redemption renewal

and restoration it is the assurance that no matter how dire the circumstances may

seem there is always a way forward a path to healing and a chance for a

brighter tomorrow but embracing hope hope requires Courage the courage to

confront your fears to confront your doubts and to confront the uncertainty

that lies ahead it requires you to relinquish the safety of Despair and

step out into the unknown trusting that I will guide your footsteps and light

your way it is a leap of faith a leap

into the unknown but but it is a leap that is necessary for your healing and your

growth as you Journey towards hope know that you’re not alone I’m with you every

step of the way walking beside you comforting you and carrying you when the

burden becomes too heavy to bear I’m the source of all hope the giver of all

Grace and the author of your story trust in me my child

and I will lead you safely through the storms of life to a place of Peace joy

and fulfillment but hope is not merely a destination it is also a journey a

journey of discovery of growth and of transformation it is a journey that

requires you to open your heart to new possibilities to new

experiences and to New Way ways of being it is a journey that challenges you to

let go of the past and embrace the future with courage and optimism as you

Embrace hope allow yourself to dream to dream of a future filled with love joy

and abundance dare to believe that better days are ahead that your pain will give

way to Healing and that your sorrow will be turned into Joy hold fast to the

promises that I have spoken over your life for they are true and they are

sure but above all my child hold fast to

Love For Love is the greatest force in the Universe the power that binds us

together and sustains us through the darkest of times it it is the love that I have for

you a love that is unconditional unwavering and

eternal let that love be your anchor your strength and your hope as you

journey through life’s trials and tribulations and so my beloved child as

you stand on the threshold of Hope know that I’m with you now now and

always trust in me lean on me and let my love carry you through the darkest of

nights to the dawn of a new day for where there is hope there is light and

where there is light there is life Everlasting

amen my dear child I come to you from the deepest chambers of my Heart A Heart

That cherishes you more than words can express I want to have a moment just you

and me where you can absorb these words entirely for they are crafted solely for

you can you spare a precious moment dear child to listen to my voice Rising above

the clamor of the world there’s something of great significance that I wish to share with you something that

transcends every passing thought in your mind stay with me a little while longer

and let your heart unfold my beloved child in the Embrace of Eternity where

time bows before the infinite I speak to you you my precious

creation hold a special place in the tapestry of existence

with the tenderness of a thousand sunsets and the gentleness of a breeze

that rustles through ancient trees I convey a message not just in words but

in the very essence of your being in the quiet corners of your soul where only I

tread know that you are loved beyond measure it’s a love that existed before

time itself unfurled its story Your Existence is not a cosmic accident it’s

a deliberate stroke in the grand painting of creation you are a melody in

the Symphony of the cosmos a verse in the Eternal poem If you believe in my

plans show it by subscribing this channel in this moment as you navigate

the tapestry of your life know that every thread every color every Twist and

Turn is part of a Divine Design even in moments of uncertainty I

am there gently nudging you toward growth and understanding your journey is

not a solitary one I walk with you unseen but ever present every challenge

you face is an opportunity for resilience for you carry a spark of my

Divine Light Within if you’re ready affirm it with a yes share this video

with five Souls who trust in me I love you my child open your heart dear child

to The Whispers of Grace feel the warmth of my love wrapping around you like a

comforting Embrace in your trials You are not alone in your joy always I share

in your celebration you are more resilient more radiant and more loved than you can

fathom as you navigate the ebb and flow of Life remember that you are an

integral part of a cosmic dance a dance that weaves through galaxies and echoes

in the chambers of your heart I bless you with courage to face the unknown

with wisdom to discern the path and with a heart that overflows with

compassion you are a vessel of love my beloved and through you the universe

expresses its infinite Beauty as you take each step know that I’m with you

blessing your journey with love Grace and boundless possibilities in your

existence I find joy and in your soul I find a

reflection of my Divine Essence my beloved child it’s a

conversation between hearts a sacred communion between the Creator and the

cherished creation Can You Feel The gentleness of my presence like a warm embrace that

envelops your entire being let this moment be more than words let

it be a shared heartbeat I want you to understand that you are a masterpiece

intricately woven into the tapestry of creation before the dawn of time when

the universe was but a whispered dream I knew you your existence is not a mere

occurrence it’s a deliberate stroke in the grand painting of life you are not

here by chance you are here by Divine Design if you believe in my plans show

it by subscribing this channel my beloved child I extend my blessings upon

you as we embark on this sacred journey of conversation and

Revelation May the words that follow be a BAL for your soul

a symphony that resonates with the Deepest chords of your being in the

gentle rustling of the leaves and the soft Whispers of the wind I invite you

to enter into a sacred dialogue with me it’s not merely a

conversation it’s a communion of Hearts an exchange of love that transcends the

boundaries of mortal understanding beloved child as the morning sun paints

the sky in Hues of gold I illuminate the canvas of your life with blessings

blessings that Cascade like a waterfall of light touching every facet of your

existence look around and you’ll find my blessings woven into the fabric of your

days each breath each heartbeat a testament to my un wavering love for

you as you walk the intricate tapestry of your life remember that each step is

Guided by a Divine hand your journey is not a solitary one I walk beside you a

constant companion in the EB and flow of your Joys and challenges my child you are a vessel of

Miracles Miracles unfold not in in the grandios but in the subtle Whispers of

Grace notice the Miracles in the ordinary the serendipities that dance

through your days it’s in the synchronicity of events the timely

encounters and the unexpected gifts that my Miracles

manifest Embrace each moment with gratitude for within it Miracles Bloom

like FL hours in a sacred Garden allow the tapestry of your life to unfurl

revealing the intricate design of Divine Providence you are not a mere

spectator you’re an active participant in the grand Narrative of creation your

choices your actions they Echo across the Realms

shaping the destiny that unfolds before you child of my heart in the Silence of

your soul hear my voice I speak to you not in thunderous Roars but in the still

Small Voice that resonates within in the sacred sanctuary of your heart I share

secrets that unveil the mysteries of existence be attuned to The Whispers of

intuition the gentle nudges that guide you along the path of

righteousness in the gentle glow of moonlight as you lay your burdens before

me know that I am the bearer of your Sorrows your tears like precious gems do

not go unnoticed I collect each one with tenderness transforming them into Pearls

of resilience your pain is not in vain it is a

testament to your capacity for strength and endurance in The Crucible of adversity you emerge refined a beacon of

light amidst the Shadows I bless you with Clarity of

purpose in The Labyrinth of choices may you discern the path that

aligns with your Divine calling your life is a sac Mission and each Endeavor

is a pilgrimage toward your higher self I illuminate the way before you for

your steps are ordained by a purpose that transcends the temporal if you’re

ready affirm it with a yes share this video with five Souls who trust in me

Miracles my child are not confined to the extraordinary

they reside in the ordinary moments the fabric of daily life in the laughter of

loved ones in the warmth of sunlight on your face and in The Quiet Moments of

reflection Miracles manifest cultivate a heart attuned to

the sacredness of the present and you’ll witness the miraculous unfolding in

every breath if you believe believe in my plans show it by subscribing this

channel child your life is a symphony and I am the composer orchestrating its

Melodies In the notes of Joy I celebrate with you in the chords of Sorrow I offer

Solace allow the music of your soul to harmonize with the Divine score Your

Existence is a testament to the beauty that emerges when a soul dances in

rhythm with its creator I bless you with unwavering faith in the storms of Doubt

may your faith stand unshaken a lighthouse amidst turbulent Seas trust

in the unfolding of your story for I am the author of your destiny even in the

chapters of uncertainty remember that I pen The Narrative with love and wisdom my

blessings dear one Are Not Mere gifts but an outpouring of unconditional love

in the tender moments when you doubt your worth know that you are a

masterpiece sculpted by Divine hands embrace the truth of your inherent value

for you are cherished beyond measure your existence is a testament to the

boundless love that breathes life into the cosmos Miracles and blessings are

not transactions but Revelations of divine love in every challenge find the seed of

opportunity in every Joy recognize the touch of Grace your journey is a

pilgrimage of the heart a sacred Expedition toward the realization of

your Divine potential Embrace each blessing as a wh Whisper of love from

the depths of my heart to yours as this sacred dialogue unfolds may your heart

resonate with the truths embedded in these words your life dear one is an

epic tale written in the ink of divine love each chapter a testament to the

unfolding Grace that accompanies you on this Earthly sojourn blessings upon blessings blings

Miracles upon Miracles I bestow upon you my cherished one walk in the light of my

love for you are cradled in the arms of Eternity in the Symphony of existence

may your life be a harmonious chord resonating with the Divine Melody that

Echoes through the corridors of time rest in the assurance that your love

guided and infinitely blessed if you’re ready affirm it with a yes share this

video with five Souls who trust in me beloved faith is the anchor that

steadies the ship of your soul amidst life’s tempests it is not a distant

destination but a journey of trust a voyage into the

Unseen in moments when doubt clouds Your Horizon let the compass of faith guide

you it is the unwavering certainty that even in the shadows I’m the light that

leads you home patience my child is the brush

stroke that paints the Masterpiece of divine timing in the tapestry of your

life each thread is woven with purpose intricately connected to the Grand

Design be not dismayed by the Cadence of waiting for in the Symphony of existence

timing is the Artistry that unveils the fullness of blessings your prayers are

not unheard they are seeds sown in the fertile soil of divine orchestration

every heartbeat resonates with the pulse of divine timing embrace the still

illness for it is in The Quiet Moments that the Masterpiece of your life is

unveiled trust the rhythm of the universe for I the orchestrator of time

conduct the Symphony of your existence the tapestry of blessings unfolds in the

perfect sequence a testament to the Artistry of patience surrender dear one

is not a defeat but a graceful Dan with the Divine in the surrender of your

will you open space for the Divine to weave Miracles into the fabric of your

days let go of the illusion of control and in the dance of surrender find the

rhythm of Peace the universe unfolds its secrets to those who yield to its Divine

choreography surrender my child is the key to unlocking the door of divine

intervention as you release the grip of anxious striving you make room for the

miraculous picture yourself as a dancer in the cosmic ballet twirling with the

grace of surrender in the surrender of your desires you create space for the

Fulfillment of Divine Purpose if you believe in my plans show it be

subscribing this channel healing dear one is a Melody that Rarities through

the corridors of your being whether it be The Mending of a broken heart or the

restoration of weary bones I am the Healer of your wounds in the gentle

notes of Grace find the balb that soothes your soul your vulnerabilities

are not weaknesses but invit ations for my Healing Touch every tear that falls is a

note in the Symphony of healing allow the music of restoration to resonate

within you in the sanctuary of your pain I am the Healer who binds your wounds

your scars like Badges of Courage tell a story of

resilience trust in the healing power of my love for I am the Divine physician

who mends the fractures of the Soul beloved each blessing is a petal

unfurling in the garden of your life as the morning duw adorns the petals so do

my blessings Grace the canvas of your existence in The Quiet Moments of

gratitude witness the beauty of a blessing unfolding every blessing is a whisper of

my love a gift bestowed upon you with boundless

affection blessings are not a commodity to be measured but a river that flows

through the landscape of your days recognize the small miracles for they

are the Heralds of Greater blessings yet to come your journey is a procession of

blessings each step a testament to the unwavering love that accompanies you in

the tapestry of your life every blessing is a stroke of divine Artistry painting

a portrait of Grace upon your heart child the greatest blessing is the gift

of presence in the communion of our hearts find Solace as you walk the

Labyrinth of your days know that you are not alone my presence like a gentle breeze

Whispers through the branches of your existence in the

Stillness hear the rustle of my love a presence that transcends the confines of

time and space in the Symphony of your life I am the silent Melody

that accompanies you the blessing of my presence is an Ever flowing river that

nourishes the roots of your soul do not fear the unknown for in my presence you

find the anchor of assurance you are cradled in the arms of Eternity held by

the hands that shape the cosmos in my presence discover the boundless love

that infold holds you a blessing that transcends the temporal andos through

the corridors of Eternity beloved as I extend these words

to you imagine them not merely as letters strung together but as threads

in a Divine tapestry a masterpiece woven

with the loom of Eternity from the very Inception of your existence you were

etched into the canvas of creation a unique stroke in the portrait of

time in The Quiet Moments before your first breath I knew you intimately as

the hands that sculpted the universe fashion The Contours of your being a

symphony of celestial Joy echoed through the Realms you are not a mere happenstance

but a deliberate brush stroke adding used to the Grand canvas of existence

your life my child is a symphony and each note is a chapter in the Opus of

your journey in the crescendos of joy and the diminuendos of

Sorrow I am the Unseen conductor guiding

every movement even when dissonance casts its shadow remember it is but a

Prelude to a melody of greater Harmony gaze upon your reflection through the

lens of Grace for you are a reflection of divine Artistry in The Crucible of

your imperfections Grace Flows as a river washing away the stains of inadequacy

your story is not defined by the stumbles but by the grace that lifts you

in the dance of redemption if you believe in my plans show it by

subscribing this channel in moments of solitude when your heart Whispers The

Secrets it dare not share know that I’m there listening The Echoes of your

prayers ReSound in the halls of Heaven for I’m not a distant deity but an

intimate Confidant acquainted with the depths of your

[Music] soul look back and you will find two

sets of footprints in the sands of time in moments of elation and tribulation

those Footprints belong to us we walk together yet in moments of deepest

despair where you see only one set it was then that I carried you you were

never alone Your Existence dear one is a tapestry of purpose each trial you

endure each Triumph you celebrate contributes to the intricate design you

are not a drift you are Guided by the hands that shape the cosmos trust the

weaving process for even the threads of adversity play a part in creating a

masterpiece at the crossroads of choice when the path ahead seems shrouded in

uncertainty allow Faith to be your compass you are

endowed with the gift of free will a sacred trust in your choices discover

the unfolding Narrative of your journey Guided by the moral compass embedded in

your heart doubt not your worth for you are cherished beyond measure in the

shadows of uncertainty Remember The Crucible of love from which you emerged

you are not a mere mortal you are the culmination of divine breath and Earthly

clay let the truth of your intrinsic value dispel the Shadows that seek to

obscure your Radiance the essence of my message to you my cherished one is this

you are loved with a love that transcends the boundaries of of time and

space in the manger on the mount and through the corridors of your daily life

love is the beacon that lights your way it is not a distant concept but a living

Force infolding you in its warm embrace I bless you with courage to face

the unknown with wisdom to discern the path and with a heart that open

overflows with compassion you are a vessel of love my beloved and through

you the universe expresses its infinite Beauty as you take each step know that I

am with you blessing your journey with love Grace and boundless

possibilities in your existence I find joy and in your soul I find a reflection

of my divine Essence May these words resonate within

you echoing the Eternal truth that you are loved beyond measure let the

Symphony of our connection play on and may your life be a testament to the

beauty that unfolds when a soul aligns with its Divine

Purpose you are cherished you are guided

and you are infinitely loved D with love that transcends time and

space my beloved children as i gaze upon the world I have created my heart aches

with a profound sorrow I see the pain and suffering that plagues Humanity the

tears that stain your cheeks and the weight of burdens that crush your

spirits I feel every Pang of Anguish that grips your souls for you are my

precious Creations fashioned in my own image yet despite my boundless love for

you I witness the rampant Injustice and cruelty that permeate Your

Existence I hear the cries of the oppressed the whales of the downtrodden

and the silent screams of those who suffer in solitude the Earth groans under the

weight of sin and despair its very Foundation shaken by

the violence and Chaos that engulf it my heart breaks as I see the divisions that

tear families apart the hatred that poisons hearts and the loneliness that

GS at The Souls of my children I weep for the innocent lives lost to senseless

violence and tragedy for the dreams shattered and the hopes dashed by the

harsh realities of life oh how I long to gather you close to me to comfort you in

your pain and wipe away every tear from your eyes but know this my beloved ones

you are not alone in your suffering I’m with with you always my presence a

Beacon of Hope in the darkness my love a balm for your wounded Hearts though the

road ahead may be fraught with trials and tribulations take heart for I am the

god of redemption and restoration trust in me and I will turn

your mourning into dancing your sorrow into Joy hold fast to the promise of my

unfailing love and to together we will overcome the darkness that threatens to

engulf you my beloved child as I continue to watch over you my heart is

gripped by the anguish of betrayal it pains me to see the ways in

which you turn against one another inflicting wounds that run deep and

shatter the bonds of trust and love betrayal takes many forms each more

devastating than the last it lurks in the shadows disguised as friendship

loyalty and love only to reveal its true nature when it is too late it is a

dagger in the back a poison in the cup a darkness that consumes the soul I see

the pain etched upon your faces when those you hold dear turn their backs on

you when the ones you trust with your heart betray your trust I feel the raw

Agony of rejection The Sting of Abandonment and the crushing weight of

broken promises my heart breaks for you my beloved children as you grapple with

the aftermath of betrayal I know the sleepless night spent wrestling with doubt and

insecurity the endless tears shed over Shattered Dreams dreams and Lost

Innocence I see the walls you build Around Your Hearts Brick by Brick In A

desperate attempt to Shield yourselves from further pain but hear me now my

dear ones you’re not defined by the betrayals you have endured though Others

May forsake you I will never leave your side my love for you is unwavering

unyielding a beacon of Hope in the darkest of nights take solace in the

knowledge that I am the god of redemption the Healer of broken hearts I

will take your pain and turn it into purpose your ashes into Beauty trust in

me and I will lead you through the valley of betrayal guiding you safely to

the other side in the depths of your pain and anguish I am there my beloved children

cradling you in the Embrace of my boundless love though the storms rage

and the tempests roar know that you are not alone for I am with you holding you

close to my heart picture if you will The Tender

Touch of my hand wiping away your tears soothing the wounds of your weary soul

feel the warmth of my presence surrounding you like a comforting

blanket wrapping you in a cocoon of love and protection even amidst the darkest

moments of your life my love shines brightly Illuminating the path before

you and guiding you through the Shadows though the road may be long and fraught

with obstacles know that I walk beside you you every step of the way offering

you strength and support in your time of need as you Journey Through The Valleys

of sorrow and despair know that my love is a Beacon of Hope shining brightly in

the darkness it is a love that knows no bounds a love that transcends time and

space a love that will never let you go so do not lose heart my children for

even in the midst of your pain there is beauty to be found it is in your

Brokenness that you find strength in your suffering that you find Solace and

in your tears that you find Healing embrace the love that surrounds

you my beloved children and know that I’m always here for you holding you in

the palm of my hand With Every Beat of your heart with every breath that you

take remember that you are loved beyond measure and that nothing in all creation

can ever separate you from my love in the depths of your pain and suffering

there lies a balm of healing waiting to be discovered the bomb of forgiveness

though forgiveness may seem like an impossible task especially in the face of deep hurt and betrayal it is a

necessary step on the path to Healing forgiveness is not about excusing the

actions of those who have wronged you or pretending that the pain they cause does

not exist rather it is about acknowledging the pain and choosing to

let go of the grip it holds on your soul when someone wrongs us it’s natural to

feel anger resentment and a desire for justice however holding on to these

negative emotions only serves to prolong our suffering and prevent us from moving

forward it’s like carrying a heavy burden that weighs us down and prevents

us from experiencing true freedom but trust in me for I am the ultimate source

of healing and restoration when you choose to forgive

you open the door for my love to enter your heart and bring about

transformation forgivenesses is a gift that you give yourself my beloved

children it is a gift that frees you from the chains of bitterness and

resentment allowing you to experience true peace and joy it is a gift that

opens the door to reconciliation and restoration both within yourself and in

your relationships with others when you forgive you are not condoning the

hurtful actions of others nor are you denying the pain they caused you instead

you are choosing to release yourself from the prison of unforgiveness

and reclaim your power forgiveness is a process and it

may take time to fully let go of the hurt and anger you feel it requires

courage humility and a willingness to let go of the desire for

Revenge but know that you do not walk this path

alone I am with you every step of the way offering in my love strength and

guidance so I urge you my dear children to let go of the past and embrace the

healing power of forgiveness release the pain that binds

you and allow my love to wash over you like a gentle stream soothing your

wounded soul and bringing you wholeness and peace for in forgiveness you will

find the freedom to live fully and love deeply once again and as you extend

forgiveness to others you also open yourself up to receiving the gift of

forgiveness from me let forgiveness be the bridge that leads you from Darkness

into light from Brokenness into wholeness and from despair into hope in

the depths of Despair where pain and sorrow seem to engulf every corner of

the Soul there lies a glimmer of hope the promise of healing but the road to

Healing is not an easy one it is frout

with challenges obstacles and moments of Doubt yet it is

a journey worth undertaking for it leads to the restoration of the spirit and the

renewal of the heart and as you embark on this journey towards healing know

that you do not walk alone I am with you every step of the way guiding you

comforting you and lifting you up when you stumble trust in me my child for I

am the source of all healing and The Giver of Peace the first step on the

journey towards healing is to acknowledge the pain that dwells within you

allow yourself to feel the full weight of your sorrow to grieve for what has

been lost and to express your emotions without

reservation it is only by facing your pain headon that you can begin to

release its grip on your heart and soul next open your heart to the possibility

of forgiveness forgiveness is not easy especially when the wounds are deep and

the scars are still fresh but it is essential for healing to take place

choose to let go of resentment anger and bitterness and embrace the gift of

forgiveness with an open heart remember forgiveness is not for the benefit of

others it is for your own healing and peace of

mind as you joury Journey towards healing surround yourself with love and

support lean on friends family and loved ones who can offer you comfort

encouragement and a listening ear share your burden with those who care about

you and allow them to walk alongside you on this difficult path take care of

yourself physically emotionally and spiritually narish your body with

healthy food exercise and rest take time to engage in

activities that bring you joy and peace whether it’s spending time in nature

practicing mindfulness or pursuing creative Endeavors feed your soul with

prayer meditation and reflection and draw strength from your faith in me be

patient with your yourself and allow yourself the time and space you need to

heal healing is a gradual process and it cannot be rushed there will be days when

you feel strong and hopeful and days when you feel weak and

discouraged but know that each step you take no matter how small brings you

closer to wholeness and restoration but finally embrace the

lessons that your pain has to teach you pain has a way of stripping away the

superficial and revealing what truly matters in life allow yourself to learn

and grow from your experiences and let them shape you into a stronger wiser and

more compassionate person remember my child that healing is not the absence of

pain but the ability to find peace and joy in spite of it it is the process of

reclaiming your life and your sense of self and emerging from the darkness into

the light trust in me and I will lead you safely through the storms of life to

a place of healing wholeness and peace in the depths of Despair where the

shadows of pain Loom large and the weight of Sorrow presses heavily upon

the soul there exists a flicker of light a glimmer of hope that pierces through

the darkness and illuminates the path ahead it is a beacon of Promise a

reminder that even in the darkest of times hope

endures as you stand on the threshold of Despair grappling with the agony of loss

and the anguish of Brokenness I extend my hand to you offering you a Lifeline

of Hope For Hope is not merely wishful thinking or blind optimism it is a

steadfast belief in the possibility of redemption renewal and

restoration it is the assurance that no matter how dire the circumstances may

seem there is always a Way Forward a path to healing and a chance for a

brighter tomorrow but embracing hope requires Courage the courage to confront

your fears to confront your doubts and to confront the uncertainty that lies

ahead it requires you to relinquish the safety of Despair and step out into the

unknown trusting that I will guide your footsteps and light your way it is a

leap of faith a leap into the unknown but it is a leap that is

necessary for your healing and your growth as you Journey towards hope know

that you’re not alone I’m with you every step of the way walking beside you

comforting you and carrying you when the burden becomes too heavy to bear I’m the

source of all hope the giver of all Grace and the author of your story trust

in me my child and I will lead you safely through the storms of life to a

place of Peace joy and fulfillment but hope is not merely a

destination it is also a journey a journey of discovery of growth and of

transformation it is the journey that that requires you to open your heart to new possibilities to new

experiences and to new ways of being it is a journey that challenges you to let

go of the past and embrace the future with courage and optimism as you Embrace

hope allow yourself to dream to dream of a future filled with love joy and

abundance dare to believe that better days are

ahead that your pain will give way to healing and that your sorrow will be

turned into Joy hold fast to the promises that I have spoken over your

life for they are true and they are sure but above all my child hold fast to

Love For Love is the greatest force in in the Universe the power that binds us

together and sustains us through the darkest of times it is the love that I have for you

a love that is unconditional unwavering and

eternal let that love be your anchor your strength and your hope as you

journey through life’s trials and tribulations and so my beloved

child as you stand on the threshold of Hope know that I’m with you now and

always trust in me lean on me and let my love carry you through the darkest of

nights to the dawn of a new day for where there is hope there is light and

where there is light there is life Everlasting amen



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