God’s Urgent Message for TPU

today your last chance to claim it hold

on to this unchanging truth with

unfaltering trust as you face the lofty

mountain of your difficulties you have

what it takes to conquer this mountain

come to me with unwavering faith knowing

that my answers will meet your needs

never allow the darkness of sadness or

despair consume you as you continue on

your path with unwavering determination

feeling the weight of family problems

that stab your heart with exquisite

sorrow is Norm occasionally you need to

take a break and recharge your soul in

the Sacred Space of prayer and Solitude

this is an essential period for your

overall health my Holy Spirit Will

Comfort and restore you so you need not

worry we did not intend for the web of

Sorrow to ens snare you forever when the

burden becomes too great to bear I am

not oblivious to your tears and Sorrows

they are echoes of previous mistakes and

disappointments I Will Stand By Your

Side supporting you get away from me

when you feel like you can’t take it

anymore your true calling was to remain

hidden in the shadows not to face

failure headon Ascend into my luminous

Embrace and let your countenance glow

with delight drawing others to see the

Ecstasy in your grin a manifestation of

my Limitless love I have performed many

miracles for you and there are yet more

miraculous things in store for you

because you are the embodiment of my

love the moment to give up or withdraw

has passed as I have repeatedly told you

envision yourself at the front of the

pack fearlessly navigating through

challenges Paving the way to the

carefully planned world of benefits for

I’m about to reveal the profound wisdom

of your spiritual understanding

clarifying your position as a lighthouse

for generations to come despite the

current lack of recognition the pain of

hardship should not deter you I am kind

L bestowing gifts and benefits on you

pay attention to them everything happens

for a reason and I the all powerful am

still in charge crucial to your success

in times of spiritual weakness are your

attitude faith and beliefs Savor my word

go down on your knees and pray when

things seem too heavy look up To God In

Prayer I am present in that place as

well as in your heart rather than being

far away my benefits are standing before

you we have all already defeated your

enemies and your mountain of problems

will soon crumble tell me again how much

you care and believe in me if you say

yes then I will pee

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