God Says ➨YOU’RE NOT SEEING THIS BY ACCIDENT | God’s message | God Message Today For You | God Tells

God says you’re not seeing this by

accident God’s message God message today

for you God tells God’s special message

is only for you don’t overlook it God is

ready to address all your troubles in

the final seconds find the answers you

seek stick around till the end for

divine Revelations my beloved child how

I long to pour out my heart to you today

as your savior and your dearest friend I

have been waiting to share with you the

captivating Vision I have for your

future a future that shines with the

Brilliance Fair exceeding the shadows of

your past too often my children become

weighed down by the mistakes failures

and tragedies of their pasts they allow

those burdens to Cloud their Vision

preventing them from fully embracing the

boundless hope and incredible Destiny I

have prepared for them but I say to you

now let go of those Chang s for I have

already borne their weight upon the

cross your sins have been forgiven your

slate has been wiped clean the past no

longer has power over you for I have

redeemed you with my own precious blood

what is done is done it no longer

defines you nor does it limit the

extraordinary plans I have set in motion

for your life instead I invite you to

lift your eyes and look toward the

Horizon for your future in me is radiant

be beyond measure the road ahead may not

always be easy but I promise you that it

will be filled with purpose purpose with

Triumph and with a joy that transcends

all Earthly understanding I know the

journey has not been smooth thus far you

have faced battles disappointments and

deep Sorrows that have threatened to

extinguish the flame of hope within your

heart but through it all I have been by

your side guiding you strengthening you

and molding you into the person I have

destined you to become your past may

have been marked by Darkness but I am

the light that dispels all Shadows I

have walked with you through the valley

of the shadow of death and I have

emerged Victorious now I invite you to

join me in stepping into the Glorious

future I have prepared for you a future

that is brimming with possibility with

purpose and with the boundless love that

flows from my very being my child I have

such incredible things in store for you

type Amen in the comments and don’t

forget to share this message with up to

three people so that God can help you

the plans I have laid out before you are

beyond anything you could ever imagine

for I see the fullness of why

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