except now the financial blessing God

has for you God message today God

message my beloved child have faith and

open your eyes because the Earth is

shaking and a thriving Sprout is

emerging from the ground already you are

able to see it this year you will be

able to harvest a great harvest so make

sure that this is ingrained in your

heart the seeds that you believe to be

dead have been brought back to life and

will come back to you as blessings that

are beautiful in trueu

enriching your spiritual life they are

not going to bring any sadness with them

they are not going to carry any burdens

of tension and problems with them it is

because of me that you are in this

predicament my child the unwavering

faith that you have in me touches my

heart deeply and I love you beyond all

measure when you go about your daily

activities keep in mind that I am here

with you and that my love for you will

never change or change form be conscious

of the fact that I am your guide and

your provider in this place where your

spirit has the potential to soar you

will be able to fulfill your

requirements if you treat other people

with compassion and kindness keep in

mind however that you should not put

your complete faith in mere mortals it

is imperative that you adhere to my

Commandments put aside any uncertainty

or pessimism and rise with unwavering

Faith Miracles that are Beyond Your

Wildest Dreams can take place right in

front of your very eyes if you have

faith this is not a a game nor is it

luck nor are these words empty it is the

power of my holy word which is always

fulfilled in perfect timing according to

my divine plan you long for a change for

prosperity and for the people you care

about to be completely without anything

a transformation is something that you

yearn for with all of your heart and I

am here to tell you that I am able to

transform you and that I will transform

you the ability to to transform people

people’s hearts and Minds from Darkness

to light is within my reach and I intend

to exercise that power however I require

your faith the time has come for you to

move on from the past because you are

about to embark on a New Journey in the

spirit of Faith extend your hand forward

and seize the blessings that I have

placed in front of you your tribulations

have prepared you and the time has come

for you to shine the Miracles that I

will perform in your life and the lives

of those you care about will be of the


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