THE EXAMPLE | Message From God | The Blessed Message

it was on a night when I was surrounded

by my beloved ones those who walked with

me those who shared the burden and the

joy of my Ministry sitting at the table

we shared a simple meal Yet full of

meaning before the storm

approached my dear disciples so immersed

in their own thoughts and desires barely

grasp the magnitude of what was about to

happen but I knew oh how I knew so in a

gesture that would echo through the

centuries I Rose from the table took off

my robe and like a servant began to wash

their feet Yes me bowing before them

demonstrating that the greatest among

you should be as the least and the one

who leads should be as the one who

serves can you imagine the surprise the

confusion that spread in that room why

was I the master doing such a thing why

was I the almighty submitting myself to

such a humble act the answer my beloved

lies in the action itself in that simple

Act of foot washing I was showing you

and all who would come after the true

meaning of love humility and selfless

service just as I did that night I call

upon you today not only to hear my words

but to follow my example not only to

speak of love but to live out love in

your daily lives how many times my

beloved ones have you led opportunities

to serve to love to be my hands and feet

in this world passed by how many times

has pride and selfishness obscured the

call of my love today in this moment of

quiet reflection I invite you to look

back on those moments when you could be

as I was on that night May Every Act of

service Every Act of humility be a

reflection of my love for you and for

all my children may your lives be a

living testimony to the transformative

power of my love of the service that can

change hearts and of the humility that

uplifts s the soul I call you to come

back to me wholeheartedly to surrender

yourself completely to serving others

just as I served you and all who came

before you remember the words I taught

you love the Lord your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and with

all your mind and with all your strength

love your neighbor as

yourself this is the greatest

commandment I have given you and through

it you will find the fullness of life as

you look at the example I set for you on

that Holy Night see not just an isolated

Act of service but a call for your

entire life a call to love

unconditionally to forgive generously to

serve humbly because my beloved child

when you dedicate yourself to serving

others when you become a vessel of my

love to the world you not only transform

the lives of those you serve but also

your own life for in serving you become

more like me closer to my heart and in

your Clos Nest to me you will find all

the blessings and Promises I have

reserved for those who serve me know

that when you give yourself to serving

others you’re not just feeding the

hungry clothing the naked or comforting

The Afflicted you’re also building the

Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth

preparing the way for my glorious return

don’t let any opportunity to serve to

love to be my light in this dark world

pass you by for in Every Act of service

you are proclaiming my kingdom

manifesting my love and preparing the

way for my return and as you follow my

example may you find true Joy true peace

that can only be found in me for truly

it is in serving others that you will

find the fullness of life it is in

humility that you will become truly

great in the eyes of the father may this

example of humility and service that

I’ve shared with you not just be a

beautiful story to be remembered but

rather a call for real transformation in

your life it’s easy to get caught up in

the hustle and bustle of daily life in

the wor of this fleeting world but I

call you to something greater to a

higher purpose May each day be an

opportunity for you to be like I was on

that Holy Night to be my hands and feet

in this wounded world may each encounter

with others be a chance to show my

unconditional love my abundant grace

don’t settle for just hearing my words

but put them into practice don’t settle

for just attending sacred places but

become a sacred Place wherever you go

and remember dear child You Are Not

Alone on this journey I am with you

every step of the way strengthening you

with my Holy Spirit guiding you with my

Divine Light May you move forward

trusting in my love and my power to

equip you to live a life of service and

significance may your life be a living

testimony of my transformative Grace

inspiring others to follow the same path

and when you look back at the end of

your days may you do so with joy and


knowing that you lived a life that

glorified my name and blessed countless

Souls so be it my child may you

experience the fullness of life that can

only be found in me and May the peace

that surpasses all understanding guard

your heart now and forever amen

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