I Gift You With Peace | God Says | God Message Today |

I gift you with peace God says God

message today my dear child today I gift

you with peace calmness strength and

wisdom I’ve heard your prayers touched

by the sincerity of your heart reaching

out to me you’ve come seeking guidance

and you’ve come to the right place be

assured you are dearly loved just as you

are I know you’re not perfect but I see

true remorse in your heart you’re

working hard to change your way ways

your attitudes how you see things and

how you treat others I’ve set you apart

for a life filled with blessings you

face tough times but going forward you

won’t have to endure so many challenges

my Holy Spirit and my teachings are

providing you with extraordinary wisdom

you’re learning to make wise choices

staying clear of those who pretend to be

friends but are actually robbing you of

your peace faith and security from now

on you’ll stand strong in any challenge

you came to me today because you need me

and you’ll leave here empowered your

face shining with my authority your eyes

will radiate Joy your thankful spirit

and your lovely smile will open doors

and break chains when you feel low

remember there’s always hope for you and

your family a sure promise of my

protection love guidance and plenty of

blessings your home will be ready

wrapped in care and my love now do you

accept my marvelous blessing with joy

and faith I find you so endearing

especially how you communicate with me

The Way You Close Your Eyes in prayer I

treasure the moments your heart fills

with joy and divine happiness which I

give you easing any hurt or worry after

our time together I want you to feel

overwhelmingly loved you don’t have to

walk in sorrow or dwell on your troubles

I love you immensely I’m about to shower

you with plentiful blessings stand up

and start your journey I’ll bring good

people into your life who will support

your spiritual growth and Foster Harmony

in your home but keep away from those

trying to drive a wedge between you and

your loved ones planting seeds of doubt

and division yes you have faith and even

if some in your your family are still

skeptical they haven’t fully opened

their hearts to me I plan to work

through you to show them my love and

offer hope I give you the strength and

bravery you need to care for your family

effectively always remember you need me

seek me constantly and immerse yourself

in my word and spirit and today you’ll

experience that love profoundly I’ll


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