God Says: The Almighty Shepherd | God Message Today | God’s Message Now

God says the almighty Shepherd God

message today God’s message now my dear

child I am your Shepherd and I will

always be with you in Lush Fields I will

give you rest and lead you beside

Peaceful Waters to refresh your soul I

will guide you on Paths of righteousness

for the sake of my name even when you

walk through dark and deep valleys do

not fear any evil or my rod and staff

will comfort and reassure you I will

surround you with blessings confuse your

enemies and fill your heart with wisdom

your table will be abundant and my

goodness and mercy will follow you all

the days of your life you will live in

my house experiencing my love and peace

abundantly do not be afraid for I am

right beside you to support you in

everything I hold you in my mighty hand

wrapping you in my protection ction and

covering you with my holy cloak of love

I earnestly desire for you to seek me to

listen lovingly to these words I speak

to you to let this message from my heart

sink into your soul let me write upon

the walls of your mind the wonders of my

love so you may feel secure and stop

wondering whether you deserve the

beautiful gifts I want to give you

accept these messages I send with faith

faith for I’m speaking directly to you

dare to believe in me let go of that

anxiety fear and sadness please do not

keep holding on to them in your heart

lay them down at my feet once again and

give me your trust a new I have many

wonderful things planned for you but

first I need your faith and loyalty your

future is in my hands and when you rest

in my arms without doubt or mistrust all

my blessings will reach you give me your

fears your worries that sadness stirring

within you it is my desire for you to

live a stable life to feel better I tell

you this with all my affection because I

want you to stand up strong and continue

your journey I am preparing you to

overcome and Triumph in every challenge

you know well that I am with you at

night I am a lamp to your feet by day I

am your Shield

protecting you from the arrows your

enemies launch against you allow my Holy

Spirit the chance to shape your

character for I want to teach you to

speak only words that are spiritual

Supernatural and uplifting come to my

written word and learn that I am humble

of heart always using my words to bring

healing forgiveness and blessing my dear

child miracles happen like this when you

use my my promises your faith and your

word words to bless those around you I

promise you complete Victory when you

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